Residents Forum: Build Your Leadership Skills

The strength of the CAP can be found in its committees. The Residents Forum serves as the organized voice for pathology residents within the CAP, amplifying their role in the profession and providing opportunities for trainees to develop leadership skills that are essential for career success.

Established in 1988, the Residents Forum (RF) is governed by its own set of bylaws and led by an elected 10-member Residents Forum Executive Committee. The RF is composed of delegates who represent residency programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC). Junior Members and Medical Student Members are also welcome and encouraged to attend RF events, even if they are not appointed delegates.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

Become a Residents Forum Delegate

Residents Forum delegates are appointed by residency program directors and serve for two years. Each program is allotted a specific number of delegate positions annually, based on a membership census conducted each June. As a delegate, you’ll vote in RF elections, engage in national surveys and initiatives, provide input on programming, share information about CAP opportunities with your colleagues, and be reimbursed for travel expenses when you attend in-person RF meetings.

RF Delegate Travel Reimbursement

Delegates can be reimbursed for their travel expenses to attend RF Meetings. After attending a meeting, delegates will receive a Travel Expense Reimbursement form with more information about submitting their expenses. The amount reimbursed is based on the number of in-person meetings attended in the calendar year.

  • One RF meeting attended will be reimbursed up to $100 
  • Two RF meetings attended will be reimbursed up to $300
  • For questions about the expense policy or process, please contact

The Residents Forum Executive Committee (RFEC) leads the RF and plays a key role in shaping the future of pathology by planning events and representing residents within both the CAP and the American Medical Association (AMA). Serving on the RFEC provides valuable leadership experience, along with financial support to attend RF meetings.

Term and Commitment

  • Most RFEC positions serve one-year terms (re-electable for a second term).
  • Alternate delegate roles serve two-year terms.
  • The Digital Strategy Liaison also serves on the CAP Digital Content Committee.
  • RFEC members participate in monthly virtual calls and two annual committee meetings, in addition to the Spring and Fall RF meetings.
  • Download the Time Commitment for RFEC Members PDF for more information.

Nomination and Election Process

RFEC positions are filled through elections at the Fall RF Meeting. A Nominating Committee reviews self-nominations, and the final election slate is shared with RF delegates 60 days prior to the meeting. Only RF delegates registered for the meeting are eligible to vote in RFEC elections. If a delegate cannot attend the meeting, they may designate another resident from their program to serve as a proxy voter. This must be communicated to the Secretary of the Residents Forum prior to the start of the RF meeting.

Any CAP Junior Member in good standing who has not been nominated by the RF Nominating Committee may run for any available RFEC position by submitting a petition to the Secretary of the Residents Forum at least 30 days prior to the fall meeting. The petition must include the signatures of at least 15 delegates in good standing. 

Election Procedures

  • A secret ballot is held if more than one candidate runs for a position.
  • Only RF delegates registered for the meeting are eligible to cast a vote.
  • Results are announced during the Fall RF Meeting.

CAP employees may not support candidates or show favoritism toward any candidate in a CAP election.

The 2025-2026 RFEC self-nomination period will open in March and close in June. Learn more about the timeline below. Elections will be held at the 2025 Fall Residents Forum Meeting on Saturday, September 13, 2025, in Orlando, FL. Only appointed RF Delegates may vote in RFEC elections.

2025 Election Timeline

March 22Self-nomination applications open.
June 15Self-nomination applications close.
June 23Self-nominations are sent to the Nominating Committee for review.
July 15Nominating Committee shares the final RFEC election slate with candidates and RF Delegates.
July 21Information about RFEC candidates posted on
August 14Deadline for Junior Members not nominated by the Nominating Committee to submit a petition with 15 RF Delegate signatures to the Secretary of the Residents Forum, per the RF Bylaws.
September 13Candidates deliver remarks during the Fall RF Meeting, after which RF Delegates vote. Winners are announced at the end of the meeting.

RFEC Position Descriptions

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The principal officer of the Residents Forum will be the Chair, who will preside at meetings, maintain order and decorum, and appoint committees of the Residents Forum as set forth in these Bylaws and inform CAP Junior Members of the activities of the Residents Forum.

The Chair will keep CAP Junior Members, the CAP Membership Committee, the Council that is designated by the CAP Board of Governors, and the CAP Board of Governors informed of the activities of the Residents Forum. The Chair will issue the official call for meetings. The Chair serves as a voting member of the CAP Board of Governors.

The Chair will be responsible to see that all resolutions and actions of the Residents Forum are transmitted to the House of Delegates through the duly elected Resident Delegate. The Chair will have the right to vote only in the case of a tie.

Travel commitment: 35 days

The Vice Chair will act as the principal officer of the Residents Forum in the absence of the Chair. The Vice Chair will assist in the duties of the Chair.

Travel commitment: 11 days

The Secretary of the Residents Forum will record the minutes of Residents Forum meetings and maintain lists of Delegates and members of Residents Forum committees. The Secretary will maintain the file of meeting minutes and carry out other appropriate duties, such as preparing PowerPoint presentations. Subject to provisions within these Bylaws, the Secretary will credential Delegates to the Residents Forum meeting. The Secretary will be responsible for directing the activities of the Residents Forum Credentials Committee.

Travel commitment: 11 days

The Delegate and Alternate Delegate will attend the annual and interim meetings of the American Medical Association Resident and Fellow Section (AMA-RFS) and will present any resolutions initiated by the CAP Residents Forum which have been approved by the CAP Board of Governors for transmission to the AMA-RFS. The Delegate will keep the CAP informed of any AMA-RFS activities through the appropriate channels.

The Alternate Delegate will assume these responsibilities and duties if the Delegate is unable to do so. Two-year term, first year as alternate delegate, second as delegate. 

Travel commitment: 42 days in two years

The Delegate and Alternate Delegate will attend all national meetings of the CAP House of Delegates. The Delegate will communicate and present resolutions adopted by the Residents Forum to the CAP House of Delegates when appropriate. The Delegate will inform the CAP House of Delegates about activities of the Residents Forum. The Delegate is limited to submitting resolutions adopted by the Residents Forum.

The Alternate Delegate will assume these responsibilities and duties if the Delegate is unable to do so. Two-year term, first year as alternate delegate, second as delegate. 

Travel commitment: 22 days in two years

The Member-at-Large will be responsible for assisting in recruitment of Junior Members, will assist in communicating the activities of the Residents Forum to the Delegates, will facilitate communication between the College of American Pathologists and its Junior Members, and will carry out other such duties as are assigned by the Chair and the RFEC.

Travel commitment: 11 days

The Digital Strategy Liaison, in partnership with the CAP Digital Strategy team, supports the RF’s use of digital and social media as a means of interfacing with residents. The DSL will assist in the improvement and management of resident digital engagement and will carry out other such duties as assigned by the Chair and the RFEC.

One-year term 

Travel commitment: 11 days 

Note: Serving on CAP’s Digital Content Committee is a requirement included in “other such duties as assigned by the Chair and the RFEC". Review the Digital Content Committee Requirements

2024-2025 Residents Forum Executive Committee

  • Chair

    Ashley Gochoco, DO

  • Vice Chair

    Tania Platero Portillo, MD

  • Secretary

    Alexander Besen, MD

  • Delegate to the House of Delegates

    Hanae Benchbani, MD

  • Alternate Delegate to the House of Delegates

    Elizabeth C. Conner, MD, MPH

  • Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section

    Mary Clay Bailey, MD

  • Alternate Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section

    Homayemen Weli, MD, PhD

  • Member-at-Large

    Cullen Lilley, MD, MS, MA

  • Digital Strategy Liaison

    Ramya Narasimhan, MBBS, MPH

  • Immediate Past Chair

    Swati Bhardwaj, MD, MBBS

For questions, more information, or to begin your candidacy for the CAP Residents Forum Executive Committee

Apply for the Residents Forum Executive Committee

Gain leadership skills, grow professionally, and influence the future of pathology. CAP Junior Members are encouraged to run for a Residents Forum Executive Committee (RFEC) position by June 15.

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