Residents Forum: Build Your Leadership Skills

The strength of the CAP can be found in its committees. The Residents Forum (RF) is the organized body for pathology residents, amplifying residents' voices in organized pathology.

Pathology residents can take advantage of opportunities to develop and demonstrate valuable leadership skills applicable in every facet of their careers. We all know how critical pathology and laboratory medicine is to patient care, and learning how to be a leader and advocate is key to career success. With delegate positions in numerous states, the RF promotes the involvement of young leaders in CAP activities and establishes a network for pathology residents.

The Residents Forum is composed of RF Delegates who represent residency programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC). As an RF Delegate, you will vote in RF elections, engage in national surveys and initiatives, provide input on specific programming for RF events, and receive travel expense reimbursements for attending in-person RF meetings.

  • Learn about responsibilities as an RF delegate.
  • View your program's current RF delegates to determine if openings are available.
  • Attend biannual RF meetings. All residents and medical students are welcome.
  • Contact to fill a delegate opening or make changes to the delegation.
  • Delegates can receive reimbursement for travel expenses to attend Residents Forum Meetings. The reimbursement amount is based on in-person meetings attended in the calendar year:
    • One Resident Forum meeting in the calendar year: up to $100 reimbursement
    • Two Resident Forum meetings in the calendar year: up to $300 reimbursement
    • Delegates receive a travel expense reimbursement form after attending a meeting with more information about submitting expenses for reimbursement. For questions about the travel expense reimbursement policy, please contact

The Residents Forum Executive Committee (RFEC) acts as the governing body for the Residents Forum. The members of RFEC actively shape the future of pathology, leading the planning for Residents Forum events and becoming a significant voice for residents within the CAP. 

By serving as an RFEC member, you get a unique opportunity to not only advance your career but also connect with esteemed leaders across the country. Additionally, you will receive financial support to attend the Residents Forum meetings.

RFEC Term and Commitment

RFEC leadership will be elected during the fall meeting of the Residents Forum. Members of RFEC will be eligible for re-election to one additional term for the office held. Appointment to a partial term of office will not be considered part of the two-term limit.

Alternate Delegate and Digital Strategy Liaison terms are for two years, and all other positions are one-year terms. The Digital Strategy Liaison position also requires the elected candidate to serve on the CAP Digital Content Committee.

The Residents Forum Executive Committee holds two committee meetings and two Resident Forum meetings annually. RFEC members also have considerable commitments in preparing for meetings. Download the Time Commitment for RFEC Members for more information.

Nomination Process

The Residents Forum Nominating Committee will nominate a candidate or candidates for each elected position of the Residents Forum Executive Committee. Any CAP Junior Member in good standing who has not been nominated by the Residents Forum Nominating Committee may run for any available position by submitting to the Secretary of the Residents Forum, at least thirty (30) days prior to the fall meeting, a petition containing the signatures of at least fifteen (15) CAP Junior Members in good standing.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

  • 2024 Fall Residents Forum Meeting, October 19, 2024, Wynn Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV


Swati Bhardwaj, MD, MBBS

Vice Chair:

Ashley Gochoco, DO


Parnaz Daneshpajouhnejad, MD

Immediate Past Chair:

Amanda C. Herrmann, MD, PhD

Delegate to the CAP House of Delegates:

Alaaeddin Alrohaibani, MD

Alternate Delegate to the CAP House of Delegates:

Hanae Benchbani, MD

Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section:

Mary Clay Bailey, MD

Alternate Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section:

Niloufar Pourfarrokh, MD


Elizabeth McLeod, MD, MS

Digital Strategy Liaison:

Matthew X. Luo, MD

July 15, 2024Application period closed.
July 22, 2024Nominations are sent to the nominating committee.
August 15, 2024Nominations are posted on
September 19, 2024According to Residents Forum (RF) bylaws, Junior Members who have not been slated by the Nominating Committee and who wish to run for a position may do so by submitting a statement of interest, their CV, as well as a petition signed by at least 15 CAP Junior Members in good standing. This information must be submitted to the CAP and received by September 19, 2024.
October 19, 2024RFEC Elections at RF meeting in Las Vegas, NV.

Election Procedures

A Primary Election will be implemented at the discretion of the current Residents Forum Executive Committee for any position with more than three candidates. For election details, view Article VI in the RF Bylaws.

CAP employees may not support candidates or show they favor any candidate in a CAP election.

RFEC Position Descriptions

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The principal officer of the Residents Forum will be the Chair, who will preside at meetings, maintain order and decorum, and appoint committees of the Residents Forum as set forth in these Bylaws and inform CAP Junior Members of the activities of the Residents Forum.

The Chair will keep CAP Junior Members, the CAP Membership Committee, the Council that is designated by the CAP Board of Governors, and the CAP Board of Governors informed of the activities of the Residents Forum. The Chair will issue the official call for meetings. The Chair serves as a voting member of the CAP Board of Governors.

The Chair will be responsible to see that all resolutions and actions of the Residents Forum are transmitted to the House of Delegates through the duly elected Resident Delegate. The Chair will have the right to vote only in the case of a tie.

Travel commitment: 35 days

The Vice Chair will act as the principal officer of the Residents Forum in the absence of the Chair. The Vice Chair will assist in the duties of the Chair.

Travel commitment: 11 days

The Secretary of the Residents Forum will record the minutes of Residents Forum meetings and maintain lists of Delegates and members of Residents Forum committees. The Secretary will maintain the file of meeting minutes and carry out other appropriate duties, such as preparing PowerPoint presentations. Subject to provisions within these Bylaws, the Secretary will credential Delegates to the Residents Forum meeting. The Secretary will be responsible for directing the activities of the Residents Forum Credentials Committee.

Travel commitment: 11 days

The Delegate and Alternate Delegate will attend the annual and interim meetings of the American Medical Association Resident and Fellow Section (AMA-RFS) and will present any resolutions initiated by the CAP Residents Forum which have been approved by the CAP Board of Governors for transmission to the AMA-RFS. The Delegate will keep the CAP informed of any AMA-RFS activities through the appropriate channels.

The Alternate Delegate will assume these responsibilities and duties if the Delegate is unable to do so. Two-year term, first year as alternate delegate, second as delegate. 

Travel commitment: 42 days in two years

The Delegate and Alternate Delegate will attend all national meetings of the CAP House of Delegates. The Delegate will communicate and present resolutions adopted by the Residents Forum to the CAP House of Delegates when appropriate. The Delegate will inform the CAP House of Delegates about activities of the Residents Forum. The Delegate is limited to submitting resolutions adopted by the Residents Forum.

The Alternate Delegate will assume these responsibilities and duties if the Delegate is unable to do so. Two-year term, first year as alternate delegate, second as delegate. 

Travel commitment: 22 days in two years

The Member-at-Large will be responsible for assisting in recruitment of Junior Members, will assist in communicating the activities of the Residents Forum to the Delegates, will facilitate communication between the College of American Pathologists and its Junior Members, and will carry out other such duties as are assigned by the Chair and the RFEC.

Travel commitment: 11 days

The Digital Strategy Liaison, in partnership with the CAP Digital Strategy team, supports the RF’s use of digital and social media as a means of interfacing with residents. The DSL will assist in the improvement and management of resident digital engagement and will carry out other such duties as assigned by the Chair and the RFEC.

Two-year term 

Travel commitment: 11 days 

Note: Serving on CAP’s Digital Content Committee is a requirement included in “other such duties as assigned by the Chair and the RFEC". Review the Digital Content Committee Requirements

For questions, more information, or to begin your candidacy for the CAP Residents Forum Executive Committee

Apply for the Residents Forum Executive Committee

Gain leadership skills, grow professionally, and influence the future of pathology. CAP Junior Members are encouraged to run for a Residents Forum Executive Committee (RFEC) position by July 15.

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