
CAPcasts from the College of American Pathologists

The College of American Pathologists' podcast feature interviews with leading pathologists on current issues impacting pathology and laboratory medicine.

  • Urging Congress to Take Action to Stop Medicare Cuts

    In this CAPcast we are joined by Joe Saad, MD, FCAP, vice chair of the Council on Government and Professional Affairs, and Walter Klein, MD, FCAP, who has participated in virtual lobbying meetings with his members of Congress and has attended previous CAP Hill Days. They will get into greater detail and give pathologists tips on how to conduct a virtual meeting with a senator or representative in Congress.

  • Absolute Eosinophilia - A Practical Approach

    Absolute Eosinophilia: A Practical Approach is the latest activity from the CAP’s Clinical Pathology Improvement Program (CPIP). This activity describes a pragmatic approach for the workup of eosinophilia, including the appropriate application of molecular genetic studies, explains one of the CPIP case authors, Vandita Johari, MD, FCAP, in this CAPcast interview.

  • Targeting Esophageal Cancer With Testing Protocols

    In this CAPcast episode, Yale Pathology’s Dhanpat Jain, MD, FCAP, discusses how cancer protocols benefit his practice, particularly the protocol that guides the diagnosis of esophagus-related cancers.

  • Engaging with the Biden Administration on COVID Priorities

    The CAP's Advocacy efforts have included several touchpoints with the Administration and Congress. In this CAPcast, Jonathan Myles, MD, FCAP, will discuss the CAP’s actions this year to influence the government’s response to the pandemic.

  • The Rapidly Changing COVID-19 Testing Landscape - Vaccines, Variants, and Health Disparities

    This CAPcast interview features the audio recording of a recent CAP Zoom media briefing, 'The Rapidly Changing COVID-19 Testing Landscape: Vaccines, Variants, and Health Disparities.'

  • Cancer Immunotherapy Biomarker Testing - What Pathologists Need to Know

    Some biomarkers are already covered in what has become routine testing in many laboratories, affording pathologists an opportunity to play a central role in developing and implementing these biomarkers in ways to improve patient care, explains Eric Walk, MD, FCAP, Chief Medical & Scientific Officer and Senior VP of Medical & Scientific Affairs with Roche Diagnostics, in this CAPcast.

  • Why Accuracy-Based Programs are Important to Ensure Quality Laboratory Testing

    In this CAPcast, Gary Horowitz, MD, FCAP, Chair of the CAP’s Accuracy-Based Programs Committee, explains why it’s important to incorporate accuracy-based testing into your quality process.

  • Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy Among Black Americans

    Surveys have shown hesitancy among African Americans to take the COVID-19 vaccine, much to the concern of physicians and public health experts, who emphasize the perils posed by immunization gaps in certain populations to overall public health.

  • Want to Simplify PT Result Reporting? Consider Direct Transmission

    In this CAPcast interview, Tim Aukerman, Corporate Quality Assessment Manager at Quest Diagnostics, discusses his experience with directly transmitting PT results to the CAP via the Data Innovations Instrument Manager.

  • Diagnosing UTIs - Why Ordering the Right Test is So Important Yet Complicated

    There are several methods for workup of urinary tract infections or UTIs and utilizing the appropriate test(s) on the appropriate patients can allow for prompt and appropriate treatment and symptom relief, as well as reduce unnecessary testing and unnecessary treatment with antimicrobials, explains Dr. Stacy Beal, in this CAPcast.

  • Biobanking During COVID - Challenges and Opportunities Related to Infectious Biospecimens

    In this CAPcast, Dr. Vaught discusses the special challenges involved in developing protocols to work with biospecimens collected from patients during an infectious disease emergency, as well as the role that biobanks play in the development of COVID vaccines and therapies.

  • Understanding COVID-19's Adverse Impact on Pathologists

    In this CAPcast interview, Dr. Thomas Wheeler discusses the survey’s findings, which confirm the pandemic's ongoing adverse effects on pathologists as the United States has relied on COVID-19 testing throughout this national crisis.

  • Antigen Proficiency Testing for SARS-CoV-2 Virus

    Introducing a new antigen proficiency testing program for SARS-CoV-2 virus to complement existing programs for molecular and serology PT, the CAP now offers laboratories a complete suite of PT and quality improvement programs for all COVID-19-related testing.

  • Quality Cross Check SARS-CoV-2 Testing

    To meet the demand for SARS-CoV-2 molecular testing, many laboratories have expanded testing capacity by adding multiple molecular instruments. However, this has left laboratories with questions regarding proficiency testing (PT) requirements for these additional instruments, as two CAP members, Dr. Bobbi Pritt and Dr. Lauren Pearson, explain in this CAPcast interview.

  • How Good are COVID-19 Diagnostic PCR Tests?

    Regularly published research findings seem to question the validity or efficacy of many of the testing methods – and PCR is no different, as Dr. Sophia Yohe explains in this CAPcast interview.

  • What to Expect When You Start Signing Cases Out On Your Own

    In this interview, Dr. Duong will discuss what pathologists need to know during this important transition, and important tips to gain confidence when you first start out in practice.

  • Why Autopsies Matter - Lessons Learned from the Early Days of COVID in NYC

    Amidst the trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic, the autopsies from early COVID patients revealed significant findings, explained Mt Sinai pathologist Mary Fowkes, MD, FCAP, in this CAPcast before her sudden death in November 2020.

  • Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing - Why Monitoring and Trend Analysis Are Key

    Laboratories must report cumulative antimicrobial sensitivity information to the medical staff at least annually under accreditation requirements from both the CAP and the Joint Commission. Despite requirements to do this at the institutional level, there is no national reporting or convenient way for the institution to monitor trends or compare rates recorded by other laboratories, explains Dr. Ron Schifman in this CAPcast interview.

  • In Pursuit of Accurate Pathology Workforce Counts - Why Undercounts Matter

    Recent U.S. physician workforce counts have understated by about 40% the number of actively practicing pathologists. In this CAPcast interview, two CAP member leaders—past president Stanley Robboy and Governor Dr. Donald Karcher—provide background on the misevaluation, its impact, and future policy implications of their new research.

  • Huddle Up - Streamlining Laboratory Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    In a laboratory setting with fast-paced changes and heavy demands on staff, day-to-day communication across departments is challenging, yet paramount to resource sharing and real-time problem-solving. To improve communication across departments, the laboratory at Seattle Children’s Hospital has been using daily huddles for several years, explains Dr. Joe Rutledge in this CAPcast.

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