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Confronting the Challenges of Toxicology Testing

Drug testing is critical to patient care, whether it’s for compliance with prescribed medications, identification of drugs in the immediate overdose setting, or exposure to toxins that may cause long-term deleterious effects, such as lead. But there’s an important resource to help pathologists address these challenges-the second edition of Clinical Toxicology Testing: A Guide for Laboratory Professionals. This edition features expanded sections on testing in the clinical setting, methodologies, and more user-friendly information on specific analytes, as renowned pathologist and co-author Barbarajean Magnani, MD, PhD, FCAP, explains in this CAPcast interview.


Julie McDowell:

Drug testing is critical to patient care, whether it's for compliance to prescribe medications, identification of drugs in the immediate overdose setting, or exposure to toxins that may cause long-term negative effects, such as lead. But there's an important resource to help pathologists address these challenges. The second edition of Clinical Toxicology Testing: A Guide for Laboratory Professionals. This edition features expanded sections on testing in the clinical setting, methodologies, and more user-friendly information on specific analyses, as renowned pathologist and co-author, Dr. Barbarajean Magnani explained in this CAPcast interview.

Dr. Magnani, this is the second edition of your very popular book. What is new in this book compared to the first edition?

Dr. Barbarajean Magnani:

Well, Julie, the second edition delivers not only expanded and updated chapters from the previous edition, but also new chapters in providing clinical toxicology consultations, understanding how to do method validation in toxicology testing, and also information on alternate methodologies such as oral fluid testing.

Julie McDowell:

Now how can a laboratory director or pathologist use this book to be better prepared to face the challenges of managing a toxicology laboratory?

Dr. Barbarajean Magnani:

Toxicology testing is a highly specialized field of laboratory medicine, and for those pathologists whose primary focus is not toxicology, this book is really a good go-to reference for how to provide toxicology services and to learn more about specific drugs. It's all in one book.

Julie McDowell:

I understand that one of the new chapters focuses on novel psychoactive substances. What are some of the challenges related to this topic?

Dr. Barbarajean Magnani:

Novel psychoactive substances are substances that have been chemically modified from existing drugs, such as opioids or synthetic cannabinoids, and these drugs present a major challenge in relation to their chemistry, pharmacology, and toxicity. And while only a few highly specialized laboratories may be able to test for these drugs, pathologists and laboratory scientists should be aware of their existence and be prepared to consult with experts in toxicology in order to provide excellent care for patients.

Julie McDowell:

How is this book different than other toxicology books on the market?

Dr. Barbarajean Magnani:

This book is really written for the practicing pathologists or clinical laboratory scientists. The toxicology test menu, regulatory and proficiency testing information, and useful templates on specific drugs are all included and can be adapted by the reader for their own laboratory.

Julie McDowell:

Finally, Dr. Magnani, if you could give readers one tip to get the most out of this book, what would that tip be?

Dr. Barbarajean Magnani:

Now I said it before, but this should be your go-to toxicology book if you practice in a clinical setting. Just the frequently asked questions section alone will answer the most common drug testing questions encountered by the laboratory and will help put your mind at rest.

Julie McDowell:

Thank you, Dr. Magnani. For more information and to purchase the second edition of Clinical Toxicology Testing: A Guide for Laboratory Professionals, please visit estore.cap.org and search for the book title.

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