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The Dr. Mary Elizabeth Fowkes House of Delegates Pathology Achievement Award Nomination Form

The Dr. Mary Elizabeth Fowkes House of Delegates (HOD) Pathology Achievement Award will be presented annually to a CAP HOD member who demonstrates commitment to and achievements in bridging state and federal resources to advance the work of pathologists, and/or who excels in the ability to work effectively across various pathology organizations to identify common ground and address issues of concern. The honoree is invited to accept their award in person at the Fall HOD meeting. Note our 2025 nomination period is open through March 1–May 31, 2025.

Eligibility and Evaluation

  • Any current or former CAP HOD member in good standing can be nominated except for those currently serving on the House of Delegates Steering Committee (HODSC), with the exception of the immediate past Speaker.
  •  Any current or former CAP HOD member in good standing is eligible to nominate award candidates.
  • Self-nominations or incomplete nominations will not be considered. The HODSC reserves the right to NOT confer an award in any given year.
  • The HODSC will evaluate all nominations and select an awardee in June 2025. The honoree will be notified in July 2025.
  • No information about the nomination evaluation process and/or the nominees can be shared prior to the official notification of the award honoree.

Criteria to Consider When Nominating a Candidate
Specific behaviors and accomplishments that a nominee should exhibit include:

  • Measurable commitment to state-level advocacy, including efforts to bridge state and federal resources to advance pathologists and the specialty of pathology.
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively with various pathology organizations, including subspecialty groups, to identify common ground and address issues of concern.

* Required