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  4. Transfusion, Apheresis, and Cellular Therapy Committee

Transfusion, Apheresis, and Cellular Therapy Committee

  • To foster excellence in the practice and safety of transfusion medicine*
  • To advocate the best interests of patients and donors;
  • To identify and monitor emerging technologies in transfusion medicine;
  • To enhance the effectiveness of CAP Proficiency Testing and Laboratory Accreditation Programs for facilities involved in the field of transfusion medicine;
  • To provide medical and technical expertise as well as education for the CAP staff and members in transfusion medicine related testing, practice, risks, and related areas;
  • To identify proactively, emerging uses and hazards of therapies in the field of transfusion medicine;
  • To maintain liaison, in collaboration with the Council on Government and Professional Affairs, with other organizations and governmental agencies concerned with transfusion medicine, policies, regulations, and related issues.

* Transfusion medicine is the specialty of medicine concerned with collection, processing, testing and administration of blood components, blood products, cellular therapy and tissue products; with provision of direct patient/donor care for those who undergo apheresis, therapeutic phlebotomy and transfusion; and with participation in regenerative medicine.

This committee reports to the Council on Scientific Affairs. View a list of the Current Committee Members and find additional resources and information in the Transfusion Medicine Topic Center.

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of face-to-face meetings 3
Length of meetings 2 meetings last 2 days. 1 meeting lasts 1 day
Typical meeting days Saturday or Sunday
Meeting locations The meeting is usually less than 50 miles from an airport. The fall meeting is held either prior to or following the CAP annual meeting.
Number of conference calls Around 5 per year for regular committee business; up to 6 for discussion on issues requiring noncommittee involvement
Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings Members 30+, Vice Chair 45+, Chair 75+
Additional hours required if assigned as Survey lead
Additional travel or time commitments
  • The committee chair is required to attend the Council on Scientific Affairs Leadership meetings, which take place 2 times a year.
  • Committee member attendance at the CAP annual meeting is strongly encouraged.
  • Activities of Committee

    • Specify Proficiency Testing surveys for analytes related to transfusion medicine.
    • Analysis the testing results as well as refining the checklist used in the Accreditation Process of the College. The committee has been active in
    • Create new PT challenges, developing 15 new surveys over the last five years.
    • Educate pathologists and technologists on educational enhancements associated with the J-Series survey and with seminar presentations at the CAP annual meeting.
    • Remain alert for changes in the regulatory and legislative arenas to ensure that pathologists are kept abreast of important changes and that the College's programs assist in maintaining compliance with requirements and applicable standards of practice.

    Expertise or Experience

    • Experience and expertise in areas of blood banking and transfusion medicine
    • Experience related to blood collection (such as donor selection and infectious disease testing)
    • Experience related to transfusion medicine (including therapeutic apheresis, stem cell therapies, and tissue banking).

    Benefits of Committee Membership

    • Close-knit camaraderie
    • The pleasure of knowing that one's work is assisting others in theirs
    • Keeping each other up-to-date on a broad range of issues and staying abreast of cutting edge issues.

    Representation on Committee Beyond the CAP

    Current Committee Members

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