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Quality and Clinical Data Registry Affairs Committee

To help pathologists be successful in the changing quality and value-based environment by: ensuring pathologists have performance measures to demonstrate their quality and value to the federal government and other stakeholders; providing a registry/platform to collect and report on data to demonstrate quality and value of individual pathologists and the specialty; using data to identify and address opportunities for improving patient care; and identifying and advocating for pathologists’ interests in quality and value-based payment programs.

This committee reports to the Council on Government and Professional Affairs. View a list of the Current Committee Members.

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of face-to-face meetings


Length of meetings 1-2 days
Typical meeting days Thursday/Friday or Saturday/Sunday
Meeting locations Washington, DC and/or other location
Number of conference calls 12 per year; 1 to 1.5 hours each
Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings Chair: 30+ hours per year; plus, participation on CGPA
Vice Chair and other members: 10-20 hours per year
Additional travel or time commitments None defined

Activities of Committee

  • Support pathologists in changing value-based payment models such as MACRA/MIPS and APM’s by advocating for appropriate reimbursement for pathologists and clinical laboratories.
  • Advise the CAP regarding Pathologists Quality Registry oversight, quality payment programs/value-based program measure development, and advocacy supporting pathologists and registry users.
  • Identify and develop future clinical quality measures and assist in improving clinical data capture.
  • Collaborate with other CAP committees to develop and review measure concepts and registry uses; this may include various committees such as Economic Affairs, Quality Practices, Center Guidelines, and others.
  • Interface with appropriate professional organizations (e.g., AMA, CMS, The Physician Clinical Registry Coalition) on issues of value-based payment, physician quality measures, and clinical data registries.
  • Communicate with CMS, its contractors, and other organizations that make decisions regarding measures reported by pathologists with a goal to help increase their appreciation of the role of pathologists and the measures that pathologists use to characterize the important contributions of the specialty to patient care.
  • Engage with an evolving portfolio of diagnostic excellence projects by providing clinical expertise to technical expert panels and external stakeholders (e.g. the Council of Medical Specialty Societies, the Partnership for Quality Measurement, etc.).

Expertise or Experience

  • Interest in reimbursement for pathologists’ work, value-based payment clinical data registries
  • Interest in demonstrating pathologists’ quality and value to the healthcare system using clinical measures and registry data and advocating for pathologists to CMS and other governmental agencies.

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Helping to ensure pathologists have recognized performance measures available to report and demonstrate their value to external stakeholders.
  • Learning more about the evolving payment landscape, which can benefit you and your practice.
  • Opportunities to author publications on the topics and work of the committee.
  • Sharing the positions of pathologists with other specialties and regulatory agencies as part of advocacy for the profession and specialty of pathology.

Interested in Joining this Committee?

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