Publications Committee

To recommend, coordinate, and monitor CAP publications; to oversee publication and serve as the editorial board of CAP Today, and to oversee the publishing aspects of the Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. The contents of the Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine are the responsibility of the Archives editorial board.

This committee reports to the Council on Education. View a list of the Current Committee Members.

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of face-to-face meetings 3
Length of meetings 1.5 days
Typical meeting days Saturday and Sunday
Meeting locations One meeting takes place in Chicago.
Number of conference calls Up to 3
Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings Varies greatly by projects/assignments
Additional travel or time commitments Chair attends all council meetings

Activities of Committee

  • Provide editorial consultation and oversight of publications, ie, books and benchtop reference guides
  • Evaluate proposals for new books and benchtop reference guides
  • Act as acquisitions editors for possible topics and authors for new books and benchtop reference guides
  • Serve as liaison/point-of-contact to authors and/or resource committees
  • Serve as the editorial board for CAP Today
  • Individual members may serve as department editors for CAP Today and/or write and create columns on monthly deadlines
  • Provide publication oversight of Archives

Expertise or Experience

  • Editorial and/or publishing experience
  • Previous service on a CAP scientific resource committee is preferred

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Opportunity to help shape the editorial “face” of CAP publications, including CAP Today, books, and benchtop reference guides
  • Members interact with and gain knowledge of other CAP committees

Current Committee Members

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