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  4. Molecular Oncology Committee

Molecular Oncology Committee

To coordinate and focus scientific resources involved in molecular testing and develop appropriate guidelines for the molecular pathology laboratory; to monitor emerging and future changes in cellular and molecular pathology to include practical applications of new modalities; to support state of the art practice of molecular diagnostics; to develop, maintain and enhance proficiency testing surveys and educational programs in the field of molecular pathology; and to advise on public policy as it applies to molecular pathology.

This committee reports to the Council on Scientific Affairs. View a list of the Current Committee Members and find additional resources and information in the Molecular Oncology Topic Center.

Activities of Committee

  • Create and support state of the art Proficiency Testing Programs, through sample preparation, formulating a questionnaire, data review, and critique development.
  • Work with highly skilled Washington, DC, staff on regulatory issues.
  • Develop educational seminars and adjuncts for the CAP National Meetings.
  • Work in support of CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program requirements for molecular pathology and genetics.
  • Work on special projects (eg, research studies, manuscript summarizing our experience with proficiency surveys, or describing our practice recommendations).

Expertise or Experience

  • Working knowledge of molecular oncology practice, technology, and clinical applications
  • Strong interest in promoting molecular oncology
  • Ability to provide tools for the community pathologist to guide their practice of molecular pathology

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Interact with colleagues on state of the art technology and practice issues
  • Gain knowledge about regulatory and financial aspects of pathology practice
  • Learn through research and educational projects
  • Share ideas and protocols with colleagues around the country

Representation on Committee Beyond the CAP

  • Two liaisons, one from Association for Molecular Pathology and one from American Association of Clinical Chemistry

Current Committee Members

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