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Information Technology Leadership Committee

The ITLC will focus on the CAP’s information technology (IT) capabilities, Information Services (IS), and how those capabilities and services enable enterprise strategic objectives. The committee will oversee the Board approved projects and provide advice and input to the Board as an element of its governance role related to prioritizing IS initiatives and overseeing the IS strategy. It will also keep the Board informed regarding the status of IT deliverables (projects and initiatives) and information technology trends and their implications for the organization.

This committee reports to the Board of Governors. View a list of the Current Committee Members.

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of full day meetings 3
Typical meeting days Full day meetings on a Friday
Monthly Calls on a Tuesday
Number of monthly, virtual meetings 8 meetings,1 hour long 
Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings Chair: 80-85 hours per year
Vice Chair: 80-55 hours per year
Other members: 45-55 hours per year
Additional travel or time commitments As needed

Purpose and Function

The creation, direction, or oversight of project teams, or of specific initiatives or capabilities, will be based on specific Board action defining the associated purpose, scope, funding (if any) and deliverables, etc. Committee recommendations to establish specific projects, initiatives, or capabilities may be presented for Board consideration through the regular budget and prioritization management processes or for consideration by the Board throughout the year. The ITLC does not have independent authority to create or direct projects, initiatives or strategies, but will advise and follow-through with the Board on technology projects and initiatives identified by councils, committees, and staff.

The Committee, through its member appointees, will also collaborate with councils and committees to enhance Board governance relative to the implications of emerging technologies (including digital pathology, artificial and augmented intelligence, personalized medicine, and in-vivo microscopy) which may be the primary responsibility of those councils and committees. The ITLC will also serve as a focal point for general member input to IT-related topics. The committee’s high-level scope includes web, digital, and associated member/customer systems as well as operational systems and infrastructure.

The ITLC will serve as a resource for councils and committees requiring assistance and expertise in formulating strategy to address technology needs. The ITLC will work with councils, committees, and staff to advise the Board regarding project and initiative priority and strategy development particularly among member- and customer-facing needs. The ITLC may also generate ideas for consideration by the Board and leverage existing data (such as ForeSee, NPS, user panels, satisfaction surveys, etc.) to further understand and evaluate the need for CAP technology resources. The committee will provide input to management, the Board, and other identified CAP leadership groups (such as the Executive or Finance Committees) on prioritizing strategic technology needs. The committee and its members will serve as a conduit to the Board and other member or customer forums for sharing the benefits from, and gathering feedback on, technology related initiatives. The ITLC will not engage in activities that can be, or are being, effectively managed by existing committees.

Project Teams

Project Teams may be periodically established under the supervision of the ITLC that focus on addressing specific member and customer needs, dissatisfiers, or complaints and focused on solutions to specific member and customer-facing problems in areas (for example, the informational website capabilities, SCORES strategy, the online store or connectivity/interoperability). The establishment of project teams will be based on specific Board action defining the associated purpose, scope, funding (if any), life-cycle, target membership, relationship to councils or other committees, and deliverables. Two project teams, one to assume leadership of the connectivity/interoperability initiative and the other to assume leadership of the four primary components of the online experience, are being proposed coincident with the formation of the ITLC (see separate proposed action). The ITLC will periodically report to the Board on the progress of project teams approved by the Board and under its supervision

Expertise or Experience

  • Familiarity with general technology and informatics concepts (web, server, mobile, database)
  • Experience (direct preferred) with executing online transactions with the CAP and others
  • Exposure to emerging technology trends and concepts; relevant applications within the practice of pathology are a plus
  • Understanding of the CAP enterprise strategy, CAP business and functional strategies, OPEN goals, and performance objectives

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Be the voice of members and customers – share experience challenges and ideas for innovation and improvements
  • Gain a deeper understanding of CAP technology, project prioritization process, investment options, and implications
  • Influence tangible improvements to the online experience over time across a broad set of CAP technology offerings
  • Be a part of the discussion for setting the technical foundation for the next generation of pathologists and members

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Viral Mehta
325 Waukegan Road
Northfield, Illinois 60093