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Genomic Medicine Committee

To advance CAP’s leadership position in genomic medicine and diagnostics; to expand CAP’s capabilities to support a diversity of NGS based PT programs; and to keep CAP members informed on advances in the practice of genomic medicine and diagnostics and to represent their interests.

This committee reports to the Council on Scientific Affairs. View a list of the Current Committee Members.

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of face-to-face meetings 3
Length of meetings 1–2 days
Typical meeting days Friday and Saturday
Meeting locations Two non-local, one local
Number of conference calls 12 per year; 1-1.5 hours each
Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings Vice Chair and other members 30–40, Chair 75+
Additional travel or time commitments Committee member attendance at CAP events (ie Spring House of Delegates/Residents Forum (HOD/RF), Policy, and Annual meetings) is strongly encouraged

Activities of Committee

  • Coordinate and develop responses to FDA and other governmental initiatives pertaining to the regulatory oversight of NGS-based clinical testing.
  • Serve as an oversight mechanism and contributor to NGS focused guidelines, accreditation requirements, standards, white paper development, and publication throughout CAP.
  • Review of the CAP global Genomic Medicine Strategy on a periodic basis and prioritize initiatives, including a long-term roadmap for PT development in coordination with other Resource Committees.
  • Harmonize reporting of genomics results (eg, sequence variant nomenclature) used in PT programs.

Expertise or Experience

  • Expertise in molecular genetic pathology
  • Experience in the establishment and oversight of NGS based diagnostic testing
  • Interest in promoting excellence in the practice of genomic medicine and diagnostics

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Opportunity to contribute to CAP’s leadership role in genomic medicine and diagnostics
  • Opportunity to participate in PT product development
  • Opportunity to represent CAP in the area of genomic medicine and diagnostics

Representation on committee beyond the CAP

  • Chair could be a future member of the Council on Scientific Affairs

Current Committee Members

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