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  4. Diagnostic Immunology and Flow Cytometry Committee

Diagnostic Immunology and Flow Cytometry Committee

To serve, in collaboration with other CAP scientific committees, as the expert scientific and educational resource of the CAP in diagnostic immunology and flow cytometry.

This committee reports to the Council on Scientific Affairs. View a list of the Current Committee Members and find additional resources and information in the Diagnostic Immunology and Flow Cytometry Topic Center.

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of face-to-face meetings 3
Length of meetings 1.5 days
Typical meeting days Saturday and Sunday
Meeting locations One meeting is held in Chicago or in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. All meetings will be held in the continental United States. Members are expected to attend at least one meeting per year in person.
Number of conference calls

None regularly planned but are scheduled as needed.

Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings Members 30+, Vice Chair 45+, Chair 75+
Additional travel or time commitments Chair to attend Council on Scientific Affairs leadership meetings (twice yearly).

Activities of Committee

  • Supports the Surveys Program under the scientific discipline of diagnostic immunology. This includes routine immunology, proteins and antibodies, as well as flow cytometry.
  • Develops educational programs to provide formal continuing education (CE) credit and writes and reviews objectives and text.
  • Supports the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program.
  • Works with the appropriate agencies in consensus and reimbursement issues for flow cytometry.

Expertise or Experience

  • Interest in promoting pathology and quality laboratory practices
  • Interest in developing practical tools for laboratories to use to meet patient care needs
  • Expertise in diagnostic immunology and/or flow cytometry

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Opportunity to network with experts in the field
  • Opportunity to represent the CAP at intersociety venues

Representation on Committee Beyond the CAP

The Diagnostic Immunology and Flow Cytometry Committee has one inbound liaison from the following organizations:

Current Committee Members

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