Curriculum Committee

To set the curriculum for College of American Pathologists (CAP) Learning based on needs assessment and program evaluation data and, in collaboration with CAP councils and committees and external experts, develop programs that address the lifelong learning needs of pathologists, pathologists-in-training, and laboratory professionals.

This committee reports to the Council on Education. View a list of the Current Committee Members.

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of face-to-face meetings 3
Length of meetings 1.5 days
Typical meeting days Saturday and Sunday
Meeting locations One meeting takes place in Chicago.
Number of conference calls Scheduled as needed
Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings 12
Additional travel or time commitments
  • Attendance at CAP annual meeting
  • Attendance as appropriate at other council/committee meetings for the chair

Activities of Committee

  • Oversees the implementation and performance of the College's Learning programs including prioritizing development and delivery of new and existing education programs:
    • Collaborates with CAP councils and committees, as well as external experts who are proposing education activities to determine the overall goals for each program or component of the curriculum.
  • Uses a structured decision process to identify potential learning activities aligned with the Council on Education's strategic goals (eg, quality).
    • Identifies and agrees to the process for curriculum development.
  • Evaluates the overall effectiveness of learning activities and work with staff to identify opportunities for improvement:
    • Identifies criteria for making decisions to continue/discontinue existing programs (eg, average participant overall value ratings exceed 4.4; number of participants justifies effort required to develop/deliver program).
    • Identifies topics/content for individual learning activities founded on evidence-based medicine (for particular presentations or audioconferences, etc).
    • Decides the appropriate mix of delivery strategies (eg, online, instructor led, Web conference) used within a program area.
    • Selects speakers, authors, or content experts for individual education activities.
  • Assigns maintenance of certification categories for learning activities based on course objectives and maintenance of certification category definitions

Expertise or Experience

  • Interest in learning and education of pathologists, pathologists-in-training, and laboratory professionals
  • Interest in promoting excellence in learning for pathologists
  • Demonstrated technical knowledge in one or more of the following areas: anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, practice management, and informatics
  • Interest and demonstrated effectiveness as a pathologist educator (eg, PROD, academic professor)
  • Knowledge about and interest in maintenance of certification requirements, Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education and American Medical Association requirements, certification examinations, and competency assessment is desirable

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Opportunity to serve as education faculty and/or as a subject matter expert
  • Opportunity to publish materials
  • Opportunity to work with other pathology organizations and experts
  • Opportunity to develop skills as an educator

Current Committee Members

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