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Continuous Compliance Committee

To ensure accredited laboratories maintain and improve continuous compliance with CAP and other regulatory requirements through oversight and education in the areas of proficiency testing (PT) and other mandated quality activities; to monitor and ensure all CAP-accepted PT providers continue to meet established criteria; and develop guidelines for requiring commercial PT and/or alternative performance assessment.

This committee reports to the Council on Accreditation (CoA). View a list of the Current Committee Members.

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of face-to-face meetings 3
Length of meetings 1 day
Typical meeting days Friday or Saturday
Meeting locations One meeting takes place in Chicago and the others take place in two other locations or virtual.
Number of conference calls 9 (1 hour)
Hours per year Chair 20+, members 10-15 outside of committee meetings
Additional travel or time commitments

The chair is a member of Council on Accreditation (CoA). Typically, the chair and other members may assist staff with onsite audits of PT providers.

Activities of Committee

  • Provides scientific support to the Laboratory Accreditation Program in the area of continuous compliance with a primary focus on the monitoring of PT.
  • Determines which nonregulated analytes require PT enrollment and participation (eg, Immunohistochemistry, molecular pathology, and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS).
  • Reviews CAP Accreditation Programs policies to ensure they reflect current practice.
  • Review of corrective action/reinstatement documentation in response to a PT compliance notice (eg, non-participation, performance, missing enrollment).
  • Provides input to the CoA relative to review and approval of CAP-accepted PT providers (including onsite audits).
    • Monitor and ensure all CAP-accepted PT providers continue to meet established criteria outlined in “Criteria for Proficiency Testing Programs.”
  • Communicates with participating laboratories.
  • Participates in Educational Programs such as webinars and development of educational resources.
  • Maintain CAP Continuous Compliance Committee Resource Manual to provide background information for new members as well as a resource for current members.

Expertise or Experience

  • Good working knowledge of both the PT and laboratory accreditation requirements.
  • Knowledge of other regulatory requirements, such as Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments regulations.
  • Emphasis on clinical pathology but needs balance with some members with anatomic pathology expertise.

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Gain experience in regulatory compliance in both anatomic and clinical pathology.
  • Opportunity for speaking engagements and to publish materials (eg, The CAP Annual Meeting, The Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM), CAP Today).

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