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  4. CAP/ACMG Biochemical and Molecular Genetics Committee

CAP/ACMG Biochemical and Molecular Genetics Committee

The College of American Pathologists (CAP)/American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) Biochemical and Molecular Genetics Committee:

  • functions as the primary source of biochemical genetics, molecular genetics, maternal screening and (in conjunction with a cross-committee work group) pharmacogenetics expertise and perspective for heritable conditions within the CAP;
  • develops, maintains, evaluates and enhances proficiency testing programs in biochemical genetics, molecular genetics, maternal screening and pharmacogenetics;
  • advises and supports other CAP committees and Councils when heritable conditions impact their primary area of focus;
  • develops interfaces with outside agencies and organizations committed to defining and maintaining excellence in biochemical genetics, molecular genetics, maternal screening and pharmacogenetics; and
  • contributes to the continuing education of the members of the CAP through Surveys, critiques, publications, and participation in CAP education programs

This committee reports to the Council on Scientific Affairs. View a list of the Current Committee Members and find additional resources and information in the Biochemical and Molecular Genetics Topic Center.

Time Commitment Requirements
Number of face-to-face meetings 3
Length of meetings 2 meetings for 1.5 days; 1 meeting for 1 day
Typical meeting days Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Meeting locations This meeting is usually less than 50 miles from an airport. One meeting always takes place in Chicago or Washington, DC.
Number of conference calls Around 3 per year
Hours/year of committee work required outside of meetings Members 30+, Vice Chair 45+, Chair 75+
Additional travel or time commitments Attendance at Council on Scientific Affairs Leadership Meetings (twice yearly, as chair). Additional meetings to represent committee when needed.

Activities of Committee

This committee includes several areas of expertise reflected in different working groups: biochemical, molecular genetics, pharmacogenetics, and maternal serum screening.

  • Extensive review of CAP Surveys specifications and data
  • Critique development and participant correspondence
  • Regular review and discussion of laboratory accreditation program checklists
  • Preparation of Structured Evaluation Process (STEP) proposals and other requests for direction from the Council on Scientific Affairs
  • Respond to requests for information and review of CAP position statements
  • Coordination with Molecular Oncology Committee and other resource committees as necessary

Expertise or Experience

  • Current or recent active practice in biochemical, maternal serum screening, and/or molecular genetics testing
  • Interest in promoting biochemical and molecular genetics and pathology
  • Interest in supporting committee educational initiatives in the areas of biochemical and molecular genetics

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Opportunity to serve, develop state of the art Lab Improvement Programs, and improve standardization
  • Opportunity to network with colleagues
  • Opportunity to publish committee projects reviewing survey data
  • Opportunity to participate in committee developed educational activities, other publications, Web exercises, presentations at CAP, and other national or local meetings
  • Potential opportunities to represent CAP at workshops or conferences dealing with biochemical or molecular genetic testing

Representation on Committee Beyond the CAP

Current Committee Members

Interested in Joining this Committee?

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Jaimie Halley
325 Waukegan Road
Northfield, IL 60093-2570
Fax: 847-832-8675

Pamela Provax
325 Waukegan Road
Northfield, IL 60093-2570
Fax: 847-832-8745