Autopsy Topic Center

Helping to define and monitor state-of-the-art autopsy pathology.

Courtney Davis MBA, MLS (ASCP)
325 Waukegan Road
Northfield, Il 60093-2750

Latest from the Autopsy Committee

  • New Autopsy Reporting Tools

    December 2023: The CAP released new protocols for Adult Autopsy and Adult Autopsy CNS Reporting that includes references for the updated Normal Organ Weight tables.

  • Products of Conception Guidance

    In response to outreach from members regarding the potential impact on the practice of pathology of the Dobbs v Jackson Supreme Court decision, the CAP created an aid for pathologists on the processing and reporting of pregnancy tissues/products of conception (POC) specimens.

  • Autopsy: Aiding the Living By Understanding Death

    Featured on the CAP's patient website,, this article answers common questions families may wonder when considering requesting an autopsy.

Autopsy Reporting Resources

Autopsy Practice Resources

Autopsy Pathology Program

The Autopsy Pathology Program (AUP) offers pathologists the opportunity to obtain 12.5 hours of continuing medical education (CME) per year while developing and maintaining proficiency in autopsy pathology.Each case includes case description, gross and/or microscopic images, and case discussion with sample death certificate, key teaching points, and current references. Laboratories and pathologists may enroll in the AUP program via the CAP estore.

Subscribers and residents may share interesting cases with the greater pathology community by participating as an author for this program. Learn how to submit an autopsy case.

Autopsy Fee-for-Service List

The autopsy fee-for-service list consists of members of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) who expressed an interest in performing autopsies on a fee-for-service basis.

Member pathologists must log in to access the request form if you want to include your information on the list. The list is a service to members of the public seeking a pathologist to perform an autopsy.

CAP Public Policies

The CAP Public Policies Lock outline the CAP's positions on the following issues:

  • Criteria for Autopsies
  • Restrictions on the Uses of Autopsy Materials
  • Payment and Performance of the Autopsy Service
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Certification of Death
  • Observation of an Autopsy as Punishment
  • Informed Consent for Autopsy
  • Consent for Autopsy Organ and Tissue Retention
  • Definition of Autopsy

Autopsy Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Articles

CAP Press Publications

Join the Autopsy Committee

Learn more about our committee activities and how to join the Autopsy Committee.

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