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Run for the 2023 Residents Forum Executive Committee

Passion. Energy. Unforgettable. Extraordinary. All are words members used to describe the College of American Pathologists’ (CAP) Residents Forum Executive Committee (RFEC). The RFEC are leaders of the CAP’s Residents Forum (RF). The Residents Forum gives pathology residents a voice in organized pathology while promoting involvement of young leaders in CAP activities. Serving from across the country, the RF is a great way for those early in their career to network with fellow pathology residents.

Each year, members of the Residents Forum are encouraged to apply for the Residents Forum Executive Committee. RFEC is charged with empowering members of the Residents Forum by providing a united representative voice inside the College of American Pathologists’ Council on Membership and Professional Development (CMPD). RFEC is also responsible for ensuring member engagement, enhancing professional growth, and advancing pathology.

“The RFEC is a great collaborative team and it’s an incredible environment that allows both personal and professional growth,” said Marc A. Rodriguez, MD, MBA, alternate delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section of RFEC.

There are several positions on RFEC including:

  • Chair, who serves a one-year term and as liaison to the CMPD
  • Vice Chair, who serves a one-year term
  • Secretary, who serves a one-year term
  • Alternate Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section (RFS), who serves a two-year term, the first year as Alternate Delegate to AMA RFS and second year as Delegate to the AMA RFS
  • Alternate Delegate to the CAP House of Delegates, who serves a two-year term, first year as Alternate Delegate to the CAP House of Delegates and second year as Delegate to the CAP House of Delegates
  • Member-at-Large, who serves a one-year term
  • Digital Strategy Liaison, who serves a two-year term

While the time commitment to serving on RFEC varies, most members will say the benefits of networking and information gained are invaluable.

“Serving on this committee has been a tremendous honor and incredible opportunity to get to personally know leaders within our profession,” said Amanda Herrmann, MD, PhD, member-at-large, RFEC. “I know that serving is going to serve me for the rest of my career.”

To apply for RFEC you must be a Junior Member in good standing, which means that you have not yet passed board exams. Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae and Statement of Interest by July 25, 2022.

All questions can be submitted to residentsforum@cap.org. You can also view the current Residents Forum Executive Committee roster and contact them with any questions about serving on the RFEC.

“If you are considering running for the RFEC, just do it, apply,” said Rodriguez.

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