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Residents Spring 2019 Update

Residents Forum Meetings

Thank you to all the Residents Forum delegates, junior members, and medical students who joined us in National Harbor, Maryland, for the Spring meeting! We had a packed day of informative lectures followed by a fun networking reception. Also, thanks to everyone who completed the post-meeting survey; we have reviewed your feedback and are using it to plan the CAP19 Fall RF Meeting. Mark your calendars and plan to join us

Spring 2019 Residents Forum Meeting Re-CAP

The spring meeting was a huge success where we heard presentations on financial health, leadership in pathology, the job market, ACGME Milestones 2.0 updates, transitioning from training into practice, and medical student engagement. In case you missed the meeting or want to re-watch our speakers, you can log in to access videos and presentations. The RFEC has also put together a summary handout available for download.

Residents on the Hill – CAP Policy Meeting

On May 1, 2019, myself and three recipients of the CAP Foundation's 2019 Leadership Award Dr. Chace Moleta, Dr. Miriam Molani, and Dr. Jasmine Saleh, joined more than 80 CAP members on the annual Hill Day at the Capitol to advocate for our patients and fellow pathologists. We met with policymakers in both the house and senate to raise concerns about surprise billing and take issue with the methodology of data collection used by PAMA (Protecting Access to Medicare Act). Learn more about how the CAP is advocating for pathologists and the impact of these regulatory policies in this advocacy update. This was my first time to experience Hill Day, and it was encouraging and rewarding. With everything going in politics today, it was truly refreshing to be heard by my representatives about issues important me and those I care about. 

Focus on Medical Students

The RFEC continues to work developing materials aimed at providing medical students with accurate, reliable information about our specialty. Current projects include videos detailing what pathology is and why residents chose pathology. A slide deck detailing the specialty and careers in pathology will be available for download soon. We will encourage you to share with medical students.

Run for the RFEC

Are you interested in representing your peers, developing leadership skills, influencing the future of pathology, and more? Learn more about open positions and to apply. Several positions are available with varying responsibilities and time commitments. 

Adam L. Booth, MD, FCAP is an Assistant Professor of Pathology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Northwestern Medicine specializing in gastrointestinal, hepatic, and pancreatobiliary pathology. You can follow @ALBoothMD on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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