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Residents Fall 2019 Update

Looking Ahead to CAP19 and Beyond


We have a great agenda for our Resident Forum meeting. Highlights include a presentation on Financial Health from Lester D.R. Thompson, MD, FCAP(and I encourage you to read resident member Rumeal D. Whaley, MD interview with Dr. Thompson). Dr. Marilyn Bui of Moffit Cancer Center and President of the Digital Pathology Association will present on Digital Pathology. We have a fun interactive Q&A with the House of Delegates (HOD). HOD members will rotate to each round-table and answer rapid-fire questions from you (so jot down a few and come ready). Also, we have a town hall-style event whereby residents can ask questions, share concerns, and learn from each other. You’ll hear from your peers, how they solve problems at their program, or get insight from them on a topic. We’ll also have CAP leadership in the room to field questions when residents may not be able to address the topic in question. 

Remember all medical students and residents can attend the Residents Forum, you do NOT have to be a delegate from your program! I hope to see you for the reception Friday, September 20 and the Residents Forum Saturday, September 21!

CAP for Medical Students

I’m thrilled to tell you the videos, articles, presentations, and more are now available on the new and improved CAP Medical Student Forum webpage! I think we’ve all heard and read the misinformation and falsities about our amazing, vital specialty online—from Reddit, Student Doctor Network, etc. The RFEC shared the concerns of the Residents Forum at CAP18 and set out this year provide a homepage for accurate information about pathology as a medical specialty.

Spread the Word

The new webpage has an abundance of information made by residents, and we need your help to share it with medical students, pathology interest groups, and pathologists. There are downloadable slide decks for sharing and presenting (Pathology 101 and an Overview of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology). The great pathology educator we all know from medical school, Dr. Hussain Sattar of Pathoma contributed a CAPcast interview. We counter the Top 5 myths of pathology, describe what pathology is, review the state of the job market, and discuss reasons to consider pathology. If you have a medical school associated with your residency, do they have a pathology interest group? If so, please have them send us an email to be listed on the website. If you do not have an interest group, find out why, and track down any students interested. Contact us, and we can help give you direction. Encourage students to join the Medical Student Forum, it’s easy and gives them access to past presentations and recordings. 

We are grateful to CAP leadership for listening to the concerns of the Residents and supporting the RFEC as we moved forward with this project. You can count on more to come. If you’re interested in helping, contributing, or just curious what you can do contact me by email (ALBoothMD@gmail.com) or catch me on social media @ALBoothMD. 

Adam L. Booth, MD, FCAP is an Assistant Professor of Pathology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Northwestern Medicine specializing in gastrointestinal, hepatic, and pancreatobiliary pathology. You can follow @ALBoothMD on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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