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  • Pathology Highlights from ASCO 2020

    CAP member Dr. Sophia Yohe reviews a few key studies and abstracts from ASCO 2020 with potential impact to the practice of molecular genetic pathology.

  • Cancer Immunotherapy Biomarker Testing – What Pathologists Need to Know

  • How Good are COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Diagnostic PCR Tests?

    With the varying percentages of accuracy surrounding SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests, this article examines the analytic and clinical performance of diagnostic PCR tests for COVID-19.

  • The Imprecision in Precision Medicine

    Recognizing the widespread and growing importance of molecular data derived from patient specimens, especially patients with cancer, the Personalized Healthcare Committee established the Preanalytics for Precision Medicine Project Team to develop a basic set of recommendations from the literature for preanalytics for both tissue and blood specimens that could be implemented in routine pathology practice.

  • Testing of Specimens From Patients With Advanced Colorectal Carcinoma

    CAP member Dr. Joseph Willis writes how the advent of new molecularly targeted treatment strategies for patients with advanced colorectal cancer places anatomic and molecular pathologists as key players in the delivery of care for this large patient population.

  • Modern Genomic Profiling in Myeloid Disorders and Acute Leukemia: A Practical Approach

    Genomic profiling helps to accurately classify disease, provide prognostic risk classification, and drive therapy management for patients with chronic myeloid stem cell disorders and acute leukemia.

  • Rapid Molecular Panels for the Identification of Bloodstream Pathogens

    Exciting clinical microbiology advancements have been made in the last several years, especially regarding the rapid molecular identification of pathogenic organisms and workflow automation.

  • Going Beyond Driver Mutations in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

    Molecular diagnostics have broadened our ability to diagnose and identify prognostic markers in cases of myeloproliferative neoplasms. However, challenges remain, specifically with so-called “triple-negative” MPNs.

  • Next-Generation Sequencing for HLA Genotyping

    This article summarizes the utility of next-generation sequencing (NGS) for human leukocyte antigen genotyping, highlighting the advantages of this approach over other molecular methods for typing HLA alleles.

  • Utilization Management

    This article by CAP member Dr. Jordan Laser focuses on the role of the pathologist in utilization management.

  • Clinical Implementation of Pharmacogenomic Testing

    This article focuses on germline genetic variants that can be used to identify the most appropriate medication and dose for a patient.

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