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  • Workload Distribution Challenges and Solutions: Part Three

    In this series, Karim Sirgi, MD, FCAP, details the causes, impacts, and solutions to workload distribution challenges.

  • Workload Distribution Challenges and Solutions: Part Two

    In this series, Karim Sirgi, MD, FCAP details the causes, impacts, and solutions to workload distribution challenges.

  • Part 1: Workload Distribution Challenges and Solutions

    In this series, Karim Sirgi, MD, FCAP details the causes, impacts, and solutions to workload distribution challenges.

  • Three Reasons For Not Calling An Attorney First

    Dr. Karim Sirgi shares that from his years of leading a large medical group and medical staff organization he has learned that internal tensions most often, if not always, revolve around matters related to group relational and logistical dynamic, not regulatory issues.

  • 5 Post-Pandemic Lessons for Pathologists

    Experiences and lessons learned during the pandemic can help pathologists and laboratorians as we return to “regular” life, as well as help us prepare for future pandemics.

  • Steering the Ship: Navigating Meetings as a Committee Chair

    Serving as a committee chair can be tough. Utilizing Robert's Rules of Order and tapping into the ability to pay attention to detail and think critically can help pathologists serve successfully.

  • Because Life Happens: 8 Succession Planning Best Practices for Medical Groups

    Succession planning should be based on a well-thought-out strategy to identify, recruit, and develop leaders at all levels of an organization. This article shares eight succession planning best practices, specifically catered to medical groups.

  • The Persuasive Pathologist

    Unlike surgeons who can operate on tumors and internists who can manage a cluster of chronic conditions, the pathologist's core skill is the accurate use of words to describe a disease or a problem. Our scalpel is the correct taxonomy and our prescription is the pathology report. However, our words can have meaning only if the reader or listener can understand them and more importantly—trust them.

  • Less is More

    Labor crunches are not unique to pathology. Many, maybe all industries producing products and services experience them from time to time. However, savvy companies resolve their labor through innovation. Exemplary innovations that have surfaced over the last few decades include lean production, robotics and outsourcing. Maybe we can learn from them.

  • The Future of Laboratory Practices

    Medical laboratories always have been indispensable, but the pandemic shed a light on just how valuable they are. Suddenly, these historically overlooked departments became the face of health care’s pandemic response, affirming their place at the leadership table. This conversation was moderated by the American Hospital Association Center for Health Innovation.

  • Disclosing Serious Pathology Errors

    This article summarizes recommendations for disclosure in the unique setting of pathology errors.

  • So, You're a New Laboratory Medical Director

    Board-certified pathologists are among the few who have the opportunity to become a laboratory medical director. Dr. Sharon Bihlmeyer interviewed her colleague Dr. James Tworek about his experience transitioning and preparing for the role of laboratory medical director.