Simplify Cancer Reporting with CAP eFRM

Almost 40% of cancer physicians surveyed named fragmented or missing information across medical information systems as the most significant barrier to accurately and completely diagnosing and characterizing cancer1.

Our electronic Forms and Reporting Module (eFRM) solution makes cancer reporting easier and more accurate. Developed by the CAP in partnership with mTuitive, a leader in synoptic reporting software, CAP eFRM helps produce consistent, reliable, and complete cancer reports using the latest CAP Cancer Protocols for accurate patient diagnosis.

CAP eFRM utilizes built-in prompts to ensure all required elements are captured in your cancer reports. CAP eFRM can be integrated with your anatomic pathology information system (AP-LIS) or can be used as a stand-alone solution—critical for compliance with accreditation requirements from the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer and the CAP's Laboratory Accreditation Program.

Understand How It Works

Discover how CAP eFRM makes cancer reporting more consistent, reliable, and complete. Watch the videos that capture CAP eFRM in action.

CAP eFRM Overview Video


CAP eFRM Demonstration Video

CAP eFRM Demonstration Video

Benefits of CAP eFRM

  • Easy-to-follow format facilitates efficient and accurate reporting
  • Provides real-time access to the latest CAP Cancer Protocols means you always use the most current staging information automatically
  • Produces standardized synoptic reports in a consistent, easily readable format
  • Ensures complete reports including all required elements for compliance with accreditation standards
  • Prompts for required elements only with the customizable navigation option
  • Incorporates smart checklists using built-in logic to hide irrelevant elements
  • Streamlines the submission of cancer data reporting
  • Captures structured data that can be accessed and analyzed using your facility's automated tools to help find cases for the tumor board, perform quality improvement, and review large amounts of combined patient data
  • Enables access for other clinicians on the care team so they can quickly and efficiently find the information they need

Connect with us today for a live demonstration or to discuss your system's needs.

Call: 847-832-7700

Email: CAP eCC