Accuracy-Based Programs

Our Accuracy-Based programs help laboratories assess the accuracy of their assays. They contain genuine human specimens free from matrix effects, in contrast to conventional proficiency testing materials. The target values for the specimens are established by reference methods, the true values, in contrast to peer group values.

Using matrix-free materials and reference method comparisons, our Accuracy-Based programs help laboratories ensure the accuracy of their results and therefore be used reliably with national and international guidelines.

Where Accuracy is Critically Important

For many analytes, laboratories can establish their own reference intervals to be used for their own local patient populations; however, for analytes where national or international guidelines are used for interpretation, accuracy with reference methods is critically important; for example, hemoglobin A1c, cholesterol and related lipids, creatinine, neonatal bilirubin, testosterone, and 25-OH vitamin D.

Some methods in use, even some FDA-cleared methods, have clinically significant biases that are not detected with traditional PT materials, because assessment is based only on peer group comparisons.

Hear From Our Members and Customers

Learn why our members and customers believe it is important to incorporate accuracy-based testing into your quality process.

  • Andrew Hoofnagle, MD, PhD, FCAP, and David Sacks, MBChB, FCAP, discuss evolution and future of the Accuracy-Based Programs.
  • Gary Horowitz, MD, FCAP, former Chair of the CAP’s Accuracy-Based Programs Committee, explains why it is important to incorporate accuracy-based testing into your quality process.
  • The CAP's Accuracy-Based Programs do what proficiency tests can't: verify the accuracy of test results against a gold standard. Proficiency testing provides a check on procedural methodology and results reliability as compared with peer laboratories. "While it is reassuring to know you match your peers, sometimes an entire peer group could be getting inaccurate results," Dr. Horowitz says. Read the full article
  • Members of our Accuracy-Based Programs Committee provide the expertise and statistical oversight of our Accuracy-Based Programs. Learn more
  • "It's important to participate in these Surveys so that the laboratory medicine profession gains useful information about the performance of different methods. Then, when the performance is inadequate, steps can be taken to improve it." The College is strongly committed to the Accuracy-Based Programs, he adds. "CAP has definitely stepped up to the plate to recognize the importance of accuracy-based Surveys and is providing the resources to address some of these more challenging analytes." Read the full article

Purchase Accuracy-Based Programs

Make accuracy your number one focus!

Only the CAP's Accuracy-Based Programs allow laboratories to compare their test results with reference method results. Accuracy-Based Programs use challenge specimens that are matrix-related, bias free, and have target values traceable to certified reference materials.

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