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PT Enhancements

Beginning in 2024, the CAP is offering the following online enhancements to improve the proficiency testing (PT) customer experience.

Changes to Kit Assignment and Result Form Data Entry

Beginning in 2024, each program ordered by your laboratory will have a unique kit number and an individual result form. This shift away from having one kit number for multiple programs to one kit number per program will allow for improved tracking of our PT products—from shipping and delivery to results reporting and evaluation of results.

Laboratories will continue to access their programs and enter PT results in e-LAB Solutions Suite (ELSS).

Frequently Asked Questions

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The CAP is making these changes to streamline the kits being mailed to your laboratory and to allow for improved tracking of our PT programs.

Learn more about the CAP’s updated PT/EQA program packaging.

When your laboratory receives a kit package from the CAP, it will be the same except for each multi-program kit will now have unique kit numbers instead of one kit number. For example, for Immunology (S), your laboratory can order any of the following programs: ANA, ASO, CRP, HCG, IM, RF, RUB, IL, RFX, RUBX, IG, and/or IGX. Prior to this implementation, for any of those programs your laboratory ordered, each program would be assigned the same kit number. Now, they will all be assigned different kit numbers. This will also be true for your laboratory’s evaluation, which will be collated for ease of use.

Yes. Multiple programs for the same mailing will still be packaged together when possible. These changes will allow for further container consolidation in the future.

Yes. All method, manufacturer, instrument, and unit of measure codes from prior reporting events (or mailings) has been retained and will be viewable within the result form for each program and kit.

On the Result Form Data Entry and Evaluation Reports pages, there will be a new column labelled "Program Code" and a separate row for each program and kit number.

No. Your laboratory only needs to sign the attestation page one time per mailing.

For your convenience, an attestation page is available with each kit's result form and at the end of the kit instructions. For inspection purposes, the laboratory director or designee must either electronically complete (enter and approve) the page online or alternatively print and sign the page. All testing personnel and director (or designee) can be listed on one page with the corresponding signatures. It is the laboratory's responsibility to retain a hard copy of the page. It does not need to be returned to the CAP.

Yes. The following programs will not be changed in 2024: J, JAT, EXM, EXM2, and Quality Management Tools (QT). The HIV and VM programs will be changed starting with the B mailings.

Result Form Data Entry Method Summary

Based on customer feedback, the CAP has reinstated the method summary page, which is accessible by logging into ELSS. By clicking on Result Form Data Entry, you can access the method summary for a PT program by locating your laboratory's kit using the filter options. Under the Other Actions header, click View Method Summary to see your laboratory’s previous method selections, listed by test. If no method was previously selected, you will see a prompt on the result form to enter the missing information. You may download or print the method summary if needed.

Improved Online PT/EQA Resources

Beginning in 2023, the CAP will launch improved resources for your PT and external quality assessment (EQA) needs. You’ll have access to a wide range of support materials and a robust online portal for managing your PT/EQA programs. New customers will be able to follow simple steps to get started, while current customers can bookmark the PT Resources page for quick access in one convenient location.

Paperless PT Result Forms

The CAP no longer provides a printed copy of the result form in your kit(s) or accepts emailed, faxed, or mailed results. Your laboratory can access the online result form in ELSS and may download or print the result form if needed. While most program kits will not include a paper result form, the following programs will continue to have a paper result form:

  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Biopsy Series (HQIPBX)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Specialty Series, Gastrointestinal Biopsy Module (HQBX1)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Specialty Series, Dermatologic Biopsy Module (HQBX2)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Specialty Series, Urogenital Tract Biopsy Module (HQBX3)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Specialty Series, Gynecological Biopsy Module (HQBX4)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP – IHC Series (HQIHC)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP In Situ Hybridization (HQISH)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Melanoma IHC (HQMEL)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Mismatch Repair IHC (HQMMR)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Central Nervous System IHC (HQNEU)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma IHC (HQNSC)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Whole Slide Image Quality Improvement Program (HQWSI)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Cell Block Preparations (HQCLB)
  • CAP/NSH HistoQIP Targeted Therapy (HQTAR)
  • Fine-Needle Aspiration Glass Slide (FNAG/FNAG1)
  • Nongynecologic Cytopathology Education Program (NGC/NGC1)
  • Gynecologic Cytopathology PAP Education Program (PAPCE/APAPCE, PAPJE/APAPJE, PAPKE/APAPKE, PAPLE/APAPLE, PAPME/APAPME Series 1 or 2)
  • Glass Slide Cytopathology PAP PT Program (with Glass Slide Education) (PAPCPT/APAPCPT, PAPJPT/APAPJPT, PAPKPT/APAPKPT, PAPLPT/APAPLPT, PAPMPT/APAPMPT)

These programs do not lend themselves to a paperless result form at this time; however, submitting your results online is preferred.