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- Fast Focus on Compliance (FFoC) Training Vignettes
Fast Focus on Compliance (FFoC) training vignettes are supplemental to the inspector training courses. FFoC vignettes give inspectors practical approaches to handle new and perplexing topics using real-world examples. A resource for lab inspectors and laboratories alike, Fast Focus on Compliance training vignettes help you prepare for future laboratory inspections by gaining a clear understanding of requirements while receiving insight into areas that need improvement.
Interactive Activities
Access the Fast Focus on Compliance Interactive Activities. These short modules use situational scenarios and knowledge checks to gauge proficiency on specific topics related to laboratory inspections.
- Does Practice Match Policy/Procedure?
Sharpen your skills investigating and evaluating compliance with COM.10000.
Take the Survey - What Did You REALLY Mean…How to Write a “Good” Deficiency
Learn common errors and consequences of poorly written deficiencies, and practice writing deficiencies with sufficient detail to communicate inspection findings.
Take the Survey - Cite or Recommend? Know Before you Go!
Confidently know when to cite a deficiency and when a recommendation may be appropriate.
Take the Survey - Identifying and Inspecting Non-conforming Events
Understand how a laboratory defines a non-conforming event, and how to investigate if the laboratory appropriately identified problems, performed root cause analysis, and implemented corrective/preventive action.
Take the Survey - Summation Solutions
Have quick and easy access to all the tips and tools you’ll need to ace your summation.
Take the Survey - Inspection Professionalism – Minding Your P’s and Q’s: Using the CAP Philosophy to Improve Quality
Hone your professional presence and deescalate contentious situations when they arise during inspections.
Take the Survey - Presenting Director Assessment Deficiencies: Best Practices
Team leaders will understand the importance of citing director deficiencies and receive practical guidance for providing them.
Take the Survey - Proficiency Testing Referral and Communications
Learn common situations that lead to proficiency testing (PT) referral and how to investigate these situations on inspections.
Take the Survey - Inspecting Method Validation/Verification Studies
Investigate real-life laboratory situations requiring analytical validation or verification and decide what to do for each.
Take the Survey - Inspecting Method Comparison Studies
Practice determining compliance with COM.04250 for common instrument/method comparability scenarios.
Check out the tip sheets –Summary of Waived Testing | Inspecting Method Comparison Studies
Take the Survey - Analytical Measurement Range (AMR): Inspecting Far and Wide
Learn to inspect AMR to ensure the laboratory evaluated the data, actively troubleshooted outliers, and resolved issues.
Take the Survey - Exploring and Eliminating Expungements
Review real examples of frequently miscited checklist requirements due to inspector misinterpretation and learn tips from the pros to help reduce expungements.
Take the Survey - Inspecting Cytopathology: What you Might be Missing
Learn why citations pertaining to personnel, statistical records, and gynecologic samples/slides are commonly missed by cytology inpsectors, and ensure you can effectively determine compliance with these trouble spots.
Take the Survey - Point-of-Care (POC): Inspection Strategies and R-O-A-D Maps
Navigate the nuances of inspecting point-of-care (POC) areas.
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Tipsheets and Resource Documents
Download the Fast Focus on Compliance Tip sheets. These resources are designed to be downloaded and quickly referenced when preparing for or completing laboratory inspections.
- Inspecting Validation and Verification: Decision Tree
Use these flowcharts to help determine compliance with validation and verification requirements.
Take the Survey - Inspecting Manufacturer Recalls Tipsheet
Use this stepwise approach to inspect manufacturer recalls, including medical devices and blood components.
Listen to the podcast - Medical Device Recalls: How Laboratories Must Respond
Take the Survey - Inspecting Reproductive Laboratory Accreditation Program (RLAP) Laboratories: Tips for the Clinical Inspector
Inspectors from a traditional clinical environment will learn to shift their mindset to successfully inspect a reproductive laboratory.
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Play the Fast Focus on Compliance training games for a fun, interactive test on laboratory inspections.
- Inspecting Safety: Is the Lab in Jeopardy
Play our interactive quiz game related to safety requirements found in the laboratory general (GEN) checklist.
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Watch the FFoC videos. These vignettes address specific subjects related to laboratory inspections.
- ROAD Inspection Technique
Watch a demonstration of the Read-Ask-Observe-Discover (ROAD) inspection technique in action.
Take the Survey - Proficiency Testing (PT): Evaluation Extrapolation
Laboratories and inspectors will understand proficiency testing (PT) evaluation codes, necessary actions for ungraded PT challenges, and the appropriate next steps for determining patient impact in the event of a PT failure.
Take the Survey - Competency Assessment
Several common, challenging inspector scenarios are used to illustrate compliance and provide guidance on decision-making.
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Have questions? Email us at accred@cap.org.