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2025 Spring Residents Forum Meeting
Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA
Reducing Risk in Pathology Practice
Mar 11, 2025Join our roundtable discussion, Reducing Risk in Pathology Practice, to learn how to address these challenges and enhance your professional team.
Compensation Models and Workload Distribution
Jan 14, 2025Compensation structures can affect workload allocation across a practice, and it’s important to understand the pros and cons of different payment models. Learn how to balance workload while optimizing compensation structures and reducing administration burdens.
Attracting and Retaining a Multigenerational Workforce
Oct 29, 2024With many pathology groups facing workforce shortages, this webinar will provide innovative approaches to attract and retain the right talent, ensuring your team is equipped to thrive in a diverse environment.
Set Yourself Up for a Rewarding Career in Academics
Sep 17, 2024Led by seasoned experts in the world of academia, this roundtable will let you ask your questions to gain a better understanding of how to navigate an academic career in pathology.
Defining Key Performance Indicators for Revenue Cycle Management
Jul 30, 2024Join the CAP’s Practice Management Committee for a series of roundtable discussions to hear what’s happening and discuss how your practice can be its best.
Cybersecurity Protection and Recovery
Jul 23, 2024Join the CAP’s Practice Management Committee for a series of roundtable discussions to hear what’s happening and discuss how your practice can be its bes
How the FTC’s Non-Compete Rule Impacts Pathology Practices
Jul 16, 2024Join the CAP’s Practice Management Committee for a series of roundtable discussions to hear what’s happening and discuss how your practice can be its best.
Tactical Considerations for Contract Negotiation
Jun 25, 2024From employment agreements to service contracts, we’ll delve into the essential components of contract negotiation that can impact your career trajectory and financial well-being.
Effective Workload Distribution
Apr 30, 2024This program will provide fundamental knowledge and practical approaches to designing and implementing systems that enhance your ability to establish an equitable approach.
Utilization of Digital Pathology CPT Codes in the Anatomic Pathology Community: Lessons Learned from the Adopters
Feb 20, 2024The webinar will document the utility of digital pathology using recently available CPT codes is the first step towards digital pathology reimbursements.
Best Practices for Error Reduction in Anatomic Pathology
Dec 19, 2023It’s common for pathologists to view errors as personal failures, but this is more than just unhelpful; doing so can cause you to question your own competence and can even compromise your service to patients. It’s important to gain insight into the taxonomy and mitigation of errors to undermine these negative perceptions.
CAP Foundation Presents: Improving Your Diagnostic Skills Using the CAP Cancer Protocols
Dec 11, 2023Join us for the final webinar of this three-part series designed to assist pathologists practicing internationally—particularly in under-resourced countries—in understanding the CAP cancer protocols and how to integrate them into daily practice.
The Benefits of an Effective Compliance Program
Dec 5, 2023This series will examine both high-level visionary topics for the use of data and real-world, hands-on opportunities to utilize the current data stores. Please join us as we explore the breadth and depth of pathology data that is readily available to support these initiatives.
Resolving a Pathologist Shortage in Your Practice
Nov 28, 2023Many industries have at one time or another faced similar labor shortages. To meet production demands they have implemented innovative labor-saving techniques rather than expand their payrolls. This round table will present the experiences of pathologists who have employed two of those innovations: lean production and outsourcing.
Implementing Digital Pathology and AI into Practice
Nov 7, 2023Digital pathology can reduce overhead, increase efficiencies, and even lead to faster diagnoses—but if your digital arrangements aren't compliant, your practice may take on increased risk. Ensure your practice has a plan in place for this rapidly evolving area.
Compliance Considerations in Digital Pathology
Oct 24, 2023Digital pathology can reduce overhead, increase efficiencies, and even lead to faster diagnoses—but if your digital arrangements aren't compliant, your practice may take on increased risk.
Handling Difficult Conversations
Aug 29, 2023Join the Practice Management Committee to learn how to manage critical discussions and to work towards an ideal outcome.
Fellowship Forum
Aug 16, 2023Connect with your peers while you gain valuable insights into the unique challenges that arise as you transition from your fellowship to the first few years of professional practice.
Succession Planning Essentials
Aug 1, 2023Join the Practice Management Committee for Succession Planning Essentials to learn succession best practices.
Make Your Contracts Work for You
Jun 20, 2023Join the Practice Management Committee for Make Your Contracts Work for You to discover how to navigate the contract process at any stage of your career.
Practice Challenges and Practical Solutions
May 23, 2023Managing a pathology practice stretches beyond the science, and more and more pathologists are facing increasing administrative burdens. Whether you're currently managing a practice or moving into a management position, it's important to understand the challenges that may arise—and how you can beat them.
Fight Claim Denials with Data
May 2, 2023Join the conversation to learn how to address the key cause of turnover, burnout, and dissatisfaction in your practice.
Subspecialty Spotlight Series
Apr 4, 2023This unique event offers medical students and junior members the opportunity to connect with experts from a diverse range of subspecialties through live Q&A sessions.
Understanding Clinical Consultation Code Updates
Mar 28, 2023Requirements are changing for clinical consultation, and pathologists are being asked to provide more documentation to support payment. Learn about code changes, documentation, and how to successfully adopt these new guidelines within your practice.
Workload Distribution: Challenges and Opportunities for Pathology Groups
Feb 7, 2023Join the conversation to learn how to address the key cause of turnover, burnout, and dissatisfaction in your practice.
Help! There’s a Staffing Shortage in the Lab
Dec 13, 2022 -
Interactive Surgical Pathology Cases
Dec 6, 2022 -
Coming Reimbursement Opportunities for Digital Pathology
Dec 2, 2022Will discuss the new Digital Pathology CPT Codes, how labs should use the codes & how these new codes may impact future reimbursement for digital pathology.
Where to Begin When Reviewing Your Contract
Nov 15, 2022 -
Contract Negotiation: Get What You're Worth
Oct 18, 2022 -
Setting Yourself Apart In Today's Job Market
Jul 12, 2022 -
Artificial Intelligence Used In Billing
Jan 26, 2022 -
Changing Landscape of Pathology Practice
Sep 9, 2021 -
You’ve Settled into your New Job, Now What?
Aug 10, 2021 -
Work Life Balance
Jun 29, 2021 -
Pathologists Wellness and Resilience: Practical Tips in The Face of Added Stress and Burnout
Jan 28, 2021Experts review the fundamentals of accounting and finance that provide a foundation on which to build knowledge and manage pathology practice financial health.
Coping with COVID - Part 2: Staffing and Salaries - COVID-19 Impact on the Pathologists Laboratory Workforce
Oct 27, 2020Experts review the fundamentals of accounting and finance that provide a foundation on which to build knowledge and manage pathology practice financial health.
Coping with COVID-19: Impacts on the Pathologists Workforce
Aug 11, 2020The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the pathologist and laboratory workforce, with many practices experiencing a tremendous human burden along with decreases in AP and CP testing volumes and other financial strain. Practices across the U.S. are taking measures to help mitigate loss in these uncertain times, but have you wondered if there is more you could do to help your practice survive?
Post COVID – COVID: Will We Be Better Prepared for Round Two?
Jun 25, 2020The key objectives of this roundtable are to evaluate best practices of recovery in the immediate post-COVID crisis and propose a preparedness plan to sustain a resurgence of the pandemic.
Addressing COVID-19 Challenges Faced by Earlier Career Pathologists
May 14, 2020Gain valuable insights and learn strategies for addressing the unexpected from colleagues and panelists discussing obstacles earlier career pathologists are facing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
The CAP's COVID-19 Financial Assistance Programs Roundtable
Apr 28, 2020This member-led virtual roundtable enables participants to gain a better understanding of key COVID-19 financial assistance programs made available by Congress. Discussions also include a review of tools developed by the CAP to assist pathologists in program applications and downstream implications to consider when obtaining financial assistance.
Financial Refresher: Basics to Empower Yourself and Your Practice
Dec 12, 2019Experts review the fundamentals of accounting and finance that provide a foundation on which to build knowledge and manage pathology practice financial health.
Admin-Related Work That Colleagues Assumed I Would Know
Oct 22, 2019Transitioning from a resident/fellow to a staff pathologist will likely involve taking on hospital and administrative duties that may have not been learned during training years. Learn strategies you can use to take on these tasks with confidence.
Have Difficult Conversations Without Being Difficult
Sep 10, 2019Navigating difficult conversations requires preparation, perspective, and practice. This roundtable offers ways to plan for how to open a discussion, commit to listen, query and acknowledge, and direct emotional energy from all parties toward a useful purpose.
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) and Focused Professional Practice Evaluation (FPPE)
Jun 13, 2019Understand the purpose of OPPE and FPPE, identify elements of OPPE and FPPE that must be addressed, and hear recommendations for selecting appropriate OPPE and FPPE activities and measures for your practice.
Making a Business Case
Mar 12, 2019In this roundtable, participants examine the purpose of a business case and how it relates to the practice of pathology, and discuss elements essential to creating an influential business case.
Get What You Want From Administration and Clients With Compelling Annual Reports
Dec 18, 2018While many pathology practices are not required to produce an annual report, some choose to report their accomplishments and promote their unique differentiators defining their value to administration through an annual report.
Addressing Compliance Issues Before They Happen
Nov 27, 2018Compliance is a subject that can strike fear in the heart of the most stalwart pathologist—But, it doesn’t have to! Join us for a webinar on “Current Topics in Compliance” to unravel some its complexities, including the necessary elements of a robust Compliance Plan per the OIG and a discussion of some of the more risk-prone areas of pathology practice.
The Challenges of Part-A Pathology Contracts
Sep 25, 2018Medicare Part A contracts provide significant revenue to many practices but negotiating a good contract can be a challenge.
What To Expect During And After The Merger Or Acquisition Of A Pathology Group
Jun 20, 2017A merger and acquisition (M&A) event is often disruptive to a pathology practice, at all levels of professional, management, and financial activities. Having a roadmap to navigate the troubled waters of such an event is a critical item to keep in a practice toolbox.
Ransomware Don't Be Held Hostage
Oct 4, 2016 -
Communicating Pathology and Laboratory Errors – What you need to know
May 6, 2016Communicating Pathology and Laboratory Errors – What you need to know
Medicare 60 Day Repayment Rule
May 4, 2016