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  4. TSP and CAP Amend Tennessee Bill to Resolve Concerns Over Laboratory Operations

The Tennessee Society of Pathologists (TSP), the CAP, and the Tennessee Medical Association (TMA) successfully amended Tennessee legislation (SB 2230/HB 2545) relative to medical laboratory operations in a rural hospital setting on March 19. The bill would have adversely limited pathologist medical directors in supervising laboratories, created a new state mandated credentialing for medical laboratory supervisors, and improperly impeded the accreditation of hospital clinical laboratories by the CAP.

Laboratory personnel licensure in Tennessee had been previously repealed and for laboratory supervisors, the legislation would have reversed that repeal by establishing new credentialing. Under the amendment, there is no new credentialing, and supervisors and pathologists will be able to oversee up to five separate rural hospital based clinical laboratories - consistent with the federal CLIA law. The legislation was amended by the state Senate and House health committees to address all pathologist and CAP technical concerns with the legislation.

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