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  4. The 2024 Practice Characteristics Survey Is Open until May 10. We Need Your Participation!

The 2024 Practice Characteristics Survey is open, and all pathologists are asked to share critical, first-hand data from their practices to assist in shaping CAP’s advocacy priorities as it captures and quantifies changes in the practice of pathology. Pathologists are facing far too many challenges that interfere with practicing and patient care. We all agree the issues are many, including (but certainly not limited to):

  • Declining Medicare reimbursement
  • Increasing prior authorizations
  • Fulfilling staffing shortages
  • Changing practice models
  • Concerns over practice scope infringements
  • So many more

This is why the CAP critically needs your input to build the next advocacy agenda. The information garnered from this nationwide survey will identify the changes in pathology practice and economics to better inform CAP advocacy priorities.

How do I participate?

On April 29, all board-certified pathologists practicing in the United States (with the exception of those still in training and pathologists who are Emeritus members of the CAP) should have received an email from CAP President Donald Karcher with a unique link to the survey. Please use this secure link to complete the 10-15minute survey no later than Friday, May 10. If you are unable to locate your email invitation, please email PracticeSurvey@cap.org with your full name and we will send your unique link to the survey.

What can I expect as follow-up?

Although all responses are confidential and will never be associated with any individual or any specific practice, we will share the anonymized aggregate results with participants to help inform and guide future decisions regarding your practice. In addition, because your input is a valued component to building a robust advocacy agenda, upon completion we invite you to select a $10 gift card from Amazon, Starbucks, or Visa as a small token of our gratitude.

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