Practice Surveys

2024 Practice Characteristics Survey Report

The 2024 Practice Characteristics Survey Lock is the 13th edition of the survey conducted by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) since 1994. The survey provides a primary source of basic data on board-certified pathologists, how they practice, and how they are being compensated. It also tracks the latest changes in the workforce and new trends such as adoption of digital pathology technology, insurance company prior authorization mandates, and how immigration policy affects hiring decisions.

The survey captured data on:

  • Respondent Characteristics
  • Services
  • Job Market for Pathologists and Laboratory Staff
  • Pathologist Compensation and Benefits
  • Scope of Practice
  • Visa Issues
  • Digital Pathology and Remote Sign-out
  • LIS and EHR Access

CAP members can view the report and read the executive summary.

For questions about the report, please email

2023 Practice Leader Survey Report

The 2023 Practice Leader Survey is a primary source of basic data on pathology practices. The survey supplements the CAP’s Practice Characteristics Survey. Whereas the Practice Characteristics Survey is fielded to individual pathologists, the Practice Leader Survey targets practice leaders—those in leadership or administrative roles with specific knowledge of the practice’s financial, operational, and billing information. The survey is designed to elicit one—and only one—response from each pathology practice in the United States.

The 2023 Practice Leader Survey Report provides data on:

  • Practice demographics, including questions on practice structure, case volume, and staffing levels
  • Case mix and revenue sources, including questions on sources of cases for both AP and non-AP services, sources of revenues, and payer mix
  • Molecular pathology services and payment
  • Practice staffing, including hiring of new pathologists and loss of pathologist positions
  • Impacts of mergers and acquisitions
  • Market and regulatory issues, problems with coverage and payment, and factors that are expected to affect their practice in the next few years

CAP members can view the report here.

Lock - Login and CAP membership required.