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Legislation Introduced to Stop Medicare Cuts

On January 31, Reps. Greg Murphy, MD (R-NC), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), Mariannette Miller-Meeks, MD (R-IA), and Kim Schrier, MD (D-WA), introduced an updated version of the Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act. This bipartisan bill will stop the latest round of payment cuts and provide physicians with a much-needed two percent payment increase, approximately half of the MEI estimate for this year.

Rep. Greg Murphy, MD (R-NC), issued the following statement after reintroducing the bipartisan bill. If passed, the legislation would prospectively cancel the 2.50% cut to pathology services that took effect in January and increase Medicare pay by 6.62% for the rest of the year.

The CAP continues to strongly oppose the ongoing cuts to physician reimbursement and is actively working with lawmakers to enact short- and long-term Medicare payment reforms.

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