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  4. CSP and CAP Support Pathology Remote Review and Sign Out Bill in California

The California Society of Pathologists and the CAP strongly support Assembly Bill 2107 authorizing pathologists and laboratory personnel to remotely review clinical laboratory data, digital results, and digital images under CLIA.

In a March 20 letter, the groups stated: “Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the unique challenges it posed, the Center for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) utilized enforcement discretion to ensure pathologists could review slides and sign out remotely so long as the primary site or laboratory had a CLIA certificate. The CAP advocates for the continuation of this waiver to preserve quality, ensure continuity of care for patients, and provide necessary flexibility as needed for clinical laboratories and pathologists.”

California is one of the only states that does not recognize the CMS’ continued enforcement discretion for pathology’s remote waiver. Bringing California into alignment with federal guidance would allow pathologists in California the flexibility to sign-out remotely as they can in other states. As workforce constraints continue to be a challenge, this flexibility is key to ensuring timely review of tests and the quickest diagnosis possible, benefiting not only pathologists but California patients across the state.

The bill was further amended on April 3 and passed the Assembly Business and Professions Committee (16-0 vote) clarifying that clinical laboratory’s remote review will be on a temporary or intermittent basis under a primary site’s CLIA certificate and details the scope and review of ‘digital materials.’

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