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Connecticut Pathologists Push for Medicaid Increase

The Connecticut Society of Pathologists (CSP) is urging state lawmakers to increase Medicaid funding in the next budget.

The CSP, with support from the CAP, submitted testimony in opposition to the Connecticut governor's proposed budget for the state Medicaid program. The governor’s proposal was "grossly insufficient and will impair Medicaid access for patients," the CSP said.

The CSP, the Connecticut State Medical Society, and other specialties, are supporting a proposal from Democratic legislative leaders to allocate $250 million over a four-year period for physician rate increases. "We think the legislative leader proposal recognizes that current Connecticut payment rates for physician services in the state Medicaid program are egregiously insufficient and inequitable, given that these increases would come after nearly two decades of Connecticut budget inaction on rate increases for physician services," the CSP said.

A 2024 state Medicaid analysis found that payment rates for pathology and laboratory services, among other physician services surveyed, in Connecticut were all substantially below Medicare rates and "abysmally below average when compared with other state Medicaid programs" according to the CSP.

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