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CDC: Accelerated Use of H5N1 and Influenza A(H5) Subtyping Tests

Over the past few weeks, increasing activity related to seasonal influenza A(H5) and sporadic human infections with avian influenza(H5N1) caused the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to release two laboratory advisories:

  • Accelerated Use of Avian Influenza A(H5N1): CDC recommends a shortened timeline for subtyping all influenza A specimens among hospitalized patients and increasing efforts at clinical laboratories to identify non-seasonal influenza. To prevent delays in identifying human infections with avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses, clinicians and laboratorians are reminded to test for influenza A-positive specimens from hospitalized patients, particularly those in an intensive care unit (ICU). The full January 16 advisory is available on the CDC website.
  • Use of Influenza A(H5) Subtyping Tests by Clinical Laboratories: CDC continues to distribute an FDA 510k-cleared IVD influenza A(H5) assay to state and jurisdictional public health laboratories to test patients for influenza A(H5) virus. CDC is also aware of recent development and use of IVDs offered as LDTs independent of state and jurisdictional public health laboratories to diagnose influenza A(H5) virus in patient specimens. CDC notes in its December 27, 2024 message that it is critical to immediately contact the state, local, territorial, or tribal public health authority if a positive result for influenza A(H5) virus is obtained using an LDT to initiate important time-critical actions.

Additional Resources:

If you are a clinical or public health laboratory professional and have questions, please contact CDC's Laboratory Outreach Communication System.

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