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  4. CAP and Maryland Pathologists Successful in Blocking Written Estimate Bill

The Maryland Society of Pathologists (MSP), with the support of CAP, effectively blocked consideration of legislation that would have required written estimates of services, prior to performing the service, and patient consent on all out-of-network pathology and laboratory services. House Bill 1148 /Senate Bill 1104, was introduced at the request of the Maryland Attorney General and has been formally withdrawn.

The MSP in its opposition noted that: “Of great medical concern, under this legislation, a clinical laboratory or pathologist receiving a patient specimen from a referring physician would not be able to provide timely, medically necessary specimen analysis, pending certain notifications to the patient and administrative determinations regarding the patient's insurance status. This requirement would impede performance of health care not only for all out-of-network patients, but also for any patient when insurance status is not readily ascertainable by the laboratory upon receiving the specimen.”

The CAP has effectively blocked several written estimate requirements at the state level, arguing that such requirements should only apply to scheduled health care services provided directly to patients. Due to state pathology society and CAP advocacy, multiple states have structured their out-of-network written estimate laws to conform with the CAP’s position.

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