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- About the CAP
Our Mission
The College of American Pathologists (CAP), the leading organization of board-certified pathologists, serves patients, pathologists, and the public by fostering and advocating excellence in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine worldwide.
Our History
For 75 years, the CAP has fostered excellence in laboratories and advanced the practice of pathology and laboratory science. As medicine, technology and pathology have evolved since 1946, the CAP has led the way to meet new challenges that result in better patient outcomes. To see how the CAP has been an international leader in medicine, visit our historical timeline. For further details or other information about CAP history please contact the CAP Archives to access our collection of historical records.
Our Vision
People are healthier because of excellence in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine.
Annual Report
The 2024 CAP Annual Report provides highlights of the CAP and its members' actions on laboratory quality, public policy, member benefits, and patient care. To ensure transparency, it also includes an overview of the organization’s finances. Learn more about how the CAP and pathologists worked to improve laboratory medicine and patient care in 2024.
Constitution and Bylaws
Our Constitution and Bylaws provide our membership classifications, governance structure, and rules that govern the organization.
Public Policies
CAP member pathologists may login to access the policies
Nonmembers may request our policies by either email or by telephone: 800-323-4040 ext. 7509.
Important Governance Policies
Making cap.org Better for You
Read more about how the CAP continues to upgrade its systems to offer you a leading-edge web experience that is simple, fast, convenient, and secure.
Our Commitment to Patients
Patients count on pathology and laboratory medicine for accurate diagnoses and the consistent quality of their test results. Visit yourpathologist.org to watch pathologists at work and see the stories of the patients who trust them with their care.
Staff Directory
CAP members and customers can log in to access our Staff Directory to provide the services and information you need.