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- Historical Timeline
To commemorate the CAP’s continual efforts to improve patient care as the world’s largest organization of board-certified pathologists, we developed the following timeline of organizational achievements and milestones, as well as historically significant landmarks in the discipline of pathology at large. Furthermore, in celebration of the CAP’s 75th anniversary, we are pleased to present two digital publications documenting the organization’s history: In Pursuit of Excellence, covering 1946–1996, and the newly published In Further Pursuit of Excellence, covering 1997–2021. Click here to order a hard bound copy of the 75th anniversary book.
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Founding the CAP
The CAP was conceived by a group of pathologists who sought a national organization that could win recognition and respect for the specialty, while also addressing pathologist compensation issues nationally and improving laboratory medicine in the United States.
The earliest known group photograph of the CAP Board of Governors, October 1948
Frank W. Hartman, MD, led the drive to create the CAP and served as its first president from 1947–1949.
College of American Pathologists (CAP) formed at organizational meeting in Chicago, December 12 and 13, 1946. Frank W. Hartman, MD, is elected as the first president
Organizational meeting of CAP Board of Governors, January 4 and 5, 1947
“Secretary's Newsletter,” a monthly news communication for members, begins publication
CAP incorporated in Illinois May 14, 1947
First general meeting on October 27 approves CAP Code of Ethics
First CAP chemistry Survey conducted to assess the accuracy of laboratory determinations. Some 500 participants returned results
Defining and Uplifting the Profession
Three years before the CAP was founded, the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates recognized pathology as the practice of medicine. Medical licensure was not required to practice pathology in many states, and many labs were run by non-medical professionals.
Against this backdrop, a major focus of the CAP in its first full decade was to not only clearly define the practice of pathology, but to move the specialty forward.
Junior membership card, 1957
Cover of 1958 cytology brochure sent to all United States physicians. It features Dr. Georgios Papanicolaou, who was appointed an honorary fellow by the CAP Board in 1956.
Throughout the 1950s, the CAP supported other organizations’ efforts in advancing cytology, developed standards and suggested curriculum for schools of cytotechnology, and produced recommended criteria for certification of cytotechnologists. In 1956, the CAP assumed responsibility for the accreditation of cytology training programs on an interim basis, with the American Society for Clinical Pathology assuming responsibility for accreditation in 1961.
One way that the CAP informed physicians about cytology’s benefits was through an educational brochure detailing cytology guidelines. The brochure was sent to every physician in the United States, as well as to medical students. It was also included as an insert in the Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons and was distributed in Canada. The total cost to the CAP for this endeavor was $29,000 (approx. $259,000 in 2020).
First CAP cytology policy statement released. The CAP played a central role in the development of the cytology discipline
Board of Governors adopts definition of pathology
First Legislative Committee established
First Manual of Ethical and Contractual Relations published
Iowa Hospital Association lawsuit legally establishes pathology as the practice of medicine; the CAP Board of Governors authorized the filing of a supporting brief in the case and funds from a voluntary solicitation of pathologists were also supplied
Board adopts surgical pathology policy
Board approves creation of the Assembly, a body comprised of member representatives, which later became the House of Delegates
National Registry of Forensic Pathology founded with CAP support
Standards laboratory established to carry out testing related to certification of hemoglobin standards
Suggested Guide for Procedures and Ethics Relating to Autopsies published
Setting the Standard
The CAP has always been a leader in laboratory quality, particularly through its accreditation of laboratories. The organization established an inspection and accreditation program before Congress mandated one.
Throughout the 1960s, the CAP worked to set the standard for laboratory quality. Several important milestones were passed ensuring greater public health for decades.
First accreditation certificate granted by the College of American Pathologists, 1964
Cover of the first National Comprehensive Laboratory Survey, 1963
Ad Hoc Committee on Laboratory Accreditation submits report to Board of Governors recommending establishment of accreditation program
Board of Governors approves establishment of Inspection and Accreditation Program
CAP Foundation established
First comprehensive Surveys offered
First laboratories accredited under Inspection and Accreditation Program
First laboratory accreditation checklist compiled
Basic Survey accorded equivalency under CLIA-67 by US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
Inspection and Accreditation Program declared equivalent to CLIA-67 standards
Advocating for the Profession
The CAP has long served as the most prominent voice of pathologists and pathology. In the 1970s, the organization brought that voice to the nation’s capital. Advocacy is a central tenet of what the CAP provides its thousands of members, and it has protected pathologists from potentially harmful legislative action for decades.
CAP representatives testify in a congressional hearing, circa 1976. Left to right: Jerald R. Schenken, MD, Dennis B. Dorsey, MD, and Gen. Joe M. Blumberg, MC, USA Ret.
Marjorie J. Williams, MD, played a pivotal role in developing the Workload Recording Method as chair of the Committee on Laboratory Management and Planning.
Washington, DC, office opens at 1775 K Street, NW
Workload Recording Method inaugurated
First CAP conference, "Clinical Relevance in Microbiology," held at Aspen, Colorado
CAP efforts help defeat bill to abolish Medicare coverage for professional component in laboratory testing
CAP establishes research fellowship at National Bureau of Standards
Sustaining the Profession
Advocacy continued to be a key CAP activity in the 1980s. At the same time, the CAP presses rolled; several publications were born during this decade. Both publishing and advocacy have increased the footprint, influence, and standing of the organization since that time.
Introductory issue of CAP Today, November 1986
Newly elected officers of the first Residents Forum, 1988. E. Randy Eckert, MD (standing, right), immediate past chair of the AMA Resident Physicians Section, was the Forum advisor.
The Residents Forum was created with a structure and operating features similar to the House of Delegates. It was intended to give residents a voice in organized pathology, promote involvement of young leaders in CAP activities early in their careers, and establish a network for pathology residents.
Cynthia L. Reid, MD, resident delegate to the CAP House of Delegates, was elected chairman at the Forum’s first meeting in fall 1988. The Forum chair attended meetings of the HOD and in 1996 became an ex officio voting member of the Board of Governors. In support of the Residents Forum’s intention to interest young pathologists in the CAP and to identify them for leadership roles, the Board voted to allocate budget for the addition of a Junior Member position on most CAP committees.
Arkansas lawsuit filed by CAP prevents implementation of excessively restrictive Medicare reimbursement regulations proposed by Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
Digest of 1970–1980 Surveys data published as Data ReCAP
CAP lawsuit results in significant modifications to the severe restrictions on Medicare payment for laboratory services imposed by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Amendments of 1982 (TEFRA). A Joint Pathology Task Force is established to coordinate the profession's response to TEFRA
CAP begins joint publication of Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine with the American Medical Association
CAP “Archive of Standards” published
Effective Laboratory Testing published
First cancer specimen reporting guidelines published in Pathologist
Introductory issue of CAP Today published. Regular publication commenced in January 1987
Q-PROBES program initiated. Q-PROBES are short-term studies that provide a one-time comprehensive assessment of key processes to aid in quality improvement efforts in a participant laboratory
CAP mounts public information campaign on cytology in response to Wall Street Journal "Pap mill" exposé
Board approves development of the Residents Forum
Enhancing the Profession in the Digital World
After a decade of publishing firsts, the CAP cemented itself in the digital space in the 1990s. Highlighted by the launch of cap.org, the CAP’s Information Services Strategic Plan changed the way the organization communicated with its members and the world. During this decade, the CAP also saw significant growth and accomplishment in its accreditation programs.
The first iteration of the informational website
A brochure for PathPAC, the CAP’s political action committee, circa 1992
Laboratory Management Index Program (LMIP®) replaces Workload Recording Method. LMIP® is based on a standardized chart of accounts that more accurately identifies all costs, and from which have been developed a series of ratios to measure management performance
PathPAC, the CAP political action committee, is formed
CAP reaches formal agreement with Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) on equivalency of CAP laboratory inspection for JCAHO accreditation
CAP achieves deeming authority for its Laboratory Accreditation Program under CLIA-88
CAP assumes leadership for the publication of Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Information Services Strategic Plan adopted
CAP's website, cap.org, is launched
CAP extends its accreditation program to remote limited service laboratories and laboratory systems
The CAP celebrates the 50th anniversary of its founding and, the following year, publishes a history of its first 50 years entitled In Pursuit of Excellence: The College of American Pathologists, 1946-1996
Refreshing the CAP for Tomorrow's Challenges
Securely in the digital age, the CAP has used the new century to look ahead. The Laboratory Accreditation Program underwent expansive improvements while the organization as a whole undertook significant initiatives to advance the specialty and reinvigorate the brand.
The See, Test & Treat® program was introduced early in the century, and in the years since it has provided thousands of underserved women with preventative screenings and educational information to help them maintain good health.
See, Test & Treat brochure, circa 2011
CAP 15189℠ brochure, circa 2009
First See, Test & Treat event held to offer free cervical cancer screenings to underserved women
CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program announces new initiatives including mandatory inspector training and unannounced inspections, as well as formal assessment of laboratory director performance
Multiyear initiative to advance the specialty of pathology introduced
CAP 15189℠ launches as a voluntary, non-regulated accreditation to the ISO 15189:2007 Standard as published by the International Standards Organization. CAP 15189℠ does not replace, but rather complements, CAP's CLIA-based accreditation
Laboratory Accreditation Program begins a multiyear redesign to improve quality and flexibility
Biorepository Accreditation Program launched to improve the quality and consistency of facilities that collect, process, store, and distribute biospecimens for research
Brand invigoration efforts take place, including a refreshed identity and expression system (including a new CAP logo), and a comprehensive brand strategy

Pathologists Quality Registry, a qualified clinical data registry, is launched. The registry assists in improving practice performance through benchmarking against other pathology practices and makes it easier for pathologists to qualify for bonuses and avoid penalties under Medicare’s Merit-based Incentive Payment System, part of the Quality Payment Program
CAP provides members and customers with resources to confront COVID-19 and advocates for federal regulatory flexibility and financial relief
CAP introduces three SARS-CoV-2 PT programs (molecular, serology, and antigen) and one Quality Cross Check program in molecular
CAP celebrates the 75th anniversary of its founding and publishes a history of its first 75 years entitled In Further Pursuit of Excellence: The College of American Pathologists, 1946–-2021. Hear from the presidents share about their experience and the CAP over the years.
The earliest known group photograph of the CAP Board of Governors, October 1948
Founding the CAP
The CAP was conceived by a group of pathologists who sought a national organization that could win recognition and respect for the specialty, while also addressing pathologist compensation issues nationally and improving laboratory medicine in the United States.
College of American Pathologists (CAP) formed at organizational meeting in Chicago, December 12 and 13, 1946. Frank W. Hartman, MD, is elected as the first president
Frank W. Hartman, MD, led the drive to create the CAP and served as its first president from 1947–1949.
Organizational meeting of CAP Board of Governors, January 4 and 5, 1947
“Secretary's Newsletter,” a monthly news communication for members, begins publication
CAP incorporated in Illinois May 14, 1947
First general meeting on October 27 approves CAP Code of Ethics
First CAP chemistry Survey conducted to assess the accuracy of laboratory determinations. Some 500 participants returned results
Junior membership card, 1957
Defining and Uplifting the Profession
Three years before the CAP was founded, the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates recognized pathology as the practice of medicine. Medical licensure was not required to practice pathology in many states, and many labs were run by non-medical professionals.
Against this backdrop, a major focus of the CAP in its first full decade was to not only clearly define the practice of pathology, but to move the specialty forward.
First CAP cytology policy statement released. The CAP played a central role in the development of the cytology discipline
Cover of 1958 cytology brochure sent to all United States physicians. It features Dr. Georgios Papanicolaou, who was appointed an honorary fellow by the CAP Board in 1956.
Throughout the 1950s, the CAP supported other organizations’ efforts in advancing cytology, developed standards and suggested curriculum for schools of cytotechnology, and produced recommended criteria for certification of cytotechnologists. In 1956, the CAP assumed responsibility for the accreditation of cytology training programs on an interim basis, with the American Society for Clinical Pathology assuming responsibility for accreditation in 1961.
One way that the CAP informed physicians about cytology’s benefits was through an educational brochure detailing cytology guidelines. The brochure was sent to every physician in the United States, as well as to medical students. It was also included as an insert in the Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons and was distributed in Canada. The total cost to the CAP for this endeavor was $29,000 (approx. $259,000 in 2020).
Board of Governors adopts definition of pathology
First Legislative Committee established
First Manual of Ethical and Contractual Relations published
Iowa Hospital Association lawsuit legally establishes pathology as the practice of medicine; the CAP Board of Governors authorized the filing of a supporting brief in the case and funds from a voluntary solicitation of pathologists were also supplied
Board adopts surgical pathology policy
Board approves creation of the Assembly, a body comprised of member representatives, which later became the House of Delegates
National Registry of Forensic Pathology founded with CAP support
Standards laboratory established to carry out testing related to certification of hemoglobin standards
Suggested Guide for Procedures and Ethics Relating to Autopsies published
First accreditation certificate granted by the College of American Pathologists, 1964
Setting the Standard
The CAP has always been a leader in laboratory quality, particularly through its accreditation of laboratories. The organization established an inspection and accreditation program before Congress mandated one.
Throughout the 1960s, the CAP worked to set the standard for laboratory quality. Several important milestones were passed ensuring greater public health for decades.
Ad Hoc Committee on Laboratory Accreditation submits report to Board of Governors recommending establishment of accreditation program
Board of Governors approves establishment of Inspection and Accreditation Program
CAP Foundation established
First comprehensive Surveys offered
Cover of the first National Comprehensive Laboratory Survey, 1963
First laboratories accredited under Inspection and Accreditation Program
First laboratory accreditation checklist compiled
Basic Survey accorded equivalency under CLIA-67 by US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
Inspection and Accreditation Program declared equivalent to CLIA-67 standards
CAP representatives testify in a congressional hearing, circa 1976. Left to right: Jerald R. Schenken, MD, Dennis B. Dorsey, MD, and Gen. Joe M. Blumberg, MC, USA Ret.
Advocating for the Profession
The CAP has long served as the most prominent voice of pathologists and pathology. In the 1970s, the organization brought that voice to the nation’s capital. Advocacy is a central tenet of what the CAP provides its thousands of members, and it has protected pathologists from potentially harmful legislative action for decades.
Washington, DC, office opens at 1775 K Street, NW
Workload Recording Method inaugurated
Marjorie J. Williams, MD, played a pivotal role in developing the Workload Recording Method as chair of the Committee on Laboratory Management and Planning.
First CAP conference, "Clinical Relevance in Microbiology," held at Aspen, Colorado
CAP efforts help defeat bill to abolish Medicare coverage for professional component in laboratory testing
CAP establishes research fellowship at National Bureau of Standards
Introductory issue of CAP Today, November 1986
Sustaining the Profession
Advocacy continued to be a key CAP activity in the 1980s. At the same time, the CAP presses rolled; several publications were born during this decade. Both publishing and advocacy have increased the footprint, influence, and standing of the organization since that time.
Arkansas lawsuit filed by CAP prevents implementation of excessively restrictive Medicare reimbursement regulations proposed by Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
Digest of 1970–1980 Surveys data published as Data ReCAP
CAP lawsuit results in significant modifications to the severe restrictions on Medicare payment for laboratory services imposed by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Amendments of 1982 (TEFRA). A Joint Pathology Task Force is established to coordinate the profession's response to TEFRA
CAP begins joint publication of Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine with the American Medical Association
CAP “Archive of Standards” published
Effective Laboratory Testing published
First cancer specimen reporting guidelines published in Pathologist
Introductory issue of CAP Today published. Regular publication commenced in January 1987
Q-PROBES program initiated. Q-PROBES are short-term studies that provide a one-time comprehensive assessment of key processes to aid in quality improvement efforts in a participant laboratory
CAP mounts public information campaign on cytology in response to Wall Street Journal "Pap mill" exposé
Board approves development of the Residents Forum
Newly elected officers of the first Residents Forum, 1988. E. Randy Eckert, MD (standing, right), immediate past chair of the AMA Resident Physicians Section, was the Forum advisor.
The Residents Forum was created with a structure and operating features similar to the House of Delegates. It was intended to give residents a voice in organized pathology, promote involvement of young leaders in CAP activities early in their careers, and establish a network for pathology residents.
Cynthia L. Reid, MD, resident delegate to the CAP House of Delegates, was elected chairman at the Forum’s first meeting in fall 1988. The Forum chair attended meetings of the HOD and in 1996 became an ex officio voting member of the Board of Governors. In support of the Residents Forum’s intention to interest young pathologists in the CAP and to identify them for leadership roles, the Board voted to allocate budget for the addition of a Junior Member position on most CAP committees.
The first iteration of the informational website
Enhancing the Profession in the Digital World
After a decade of publishing firsts, the CAP cemented itself in the digital space in the 1990s. Highlighted by the launch of cap.org, the CAP’s Information Services Strategic Plan changed the way the organization communicated with its members and the world. During this decade, the CAP also saw significant growth and accomplishment in its accreditation programs.
Laboratory Management Index Program (LMIP®) replaces Workload Recording Method. LMIP® is based on a standardized chart of accounts that more accurately identifies all costs, and from which have been developed a series of ratios to measure management performance
PathPAC, the CAP political action committee, is formed
A brochure for PathPAC, the CAP’s political action committee, circa 1992
CAP reaches formal agreement with Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) on equivalency of CAP laboratory inspection for JCAHO accreditation
CAP achieves deeming authority for its Laboratory Accreditation Program under CLIA-88
CAP assumes leadership for the publication of Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Information Services Strategic Plan adopted
CAP's website, cap.org, is launched
CAP extends its accreditation program to remote limited service laboratories and laboratory systems
The CAP celebrates the 50th anniversary of its founding and, the following year, publishes a history of its first 50 years entitled In Pursuit of Excellence: The College of American Pathologists, 1946-1996
See, Test & Treat brochure, circa 2011
Refreshing the CAP for Tomorrow's Challenges
Securely in the digital age, the CAP has used the new century to look ahead. The Laboratory Accreditation Program underwent expansive improvements while the organization as a whole undertook significant initiatives to advance the specialty and reinvigorate the brand.
The See, Test & Treat® program was introduced early in the century, and in the years since it has provided thousands of underserved women with preventative screenings and educational information to help them maintain good health.
First See, Test & Treat event held to offer free cervical cancer screenings to underserved women
CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program announces new initiatives including mandatory inspector training and unannounced inspections, as well as formal assessment of laboratory director performance
Multiyear initiative to advance the specialty of pathology introduced
CAP 15189℠ launches as a voluntary, non-regulated accreditation to the ISO 15189:2007 Standard as published by the International Standards Organization. CAP 15189℠ does not replace, but rather complements, CAP's CLIA-based accreditation
CAP 15189℠ brochure, circa 2009
Laboratory Accreditation Program begins a multiyear redesign to improve quality and flexibility
Biorepository Accreditation Program launched to improve the quality and consistency of facilities that collect, process, store, and distribute biospecimens for research
Brand invigoration efforts take place, including a refreshed identity and expression system (including a new CAP logo), and a comprehensive brand strategy

Pathologists Quality Registry, a qualified clinical data registry, is launched. The registry assists in improving practice performance through benchmarking against other pathology practices and makes it easier for pathologists to qualify for bonuses and avoid penalties under Medicare’s Merit-based Incentive Payment System, part of the Quality Payment Program
CAP provides members and customers with resources to confront COVID-19 and advocates for federal regulatory flexibility and financial relief
CAP introduces three SARS-CoV-2 PT programs (molecular, serology, and antigen) and one Quality Cross Check program in molecular
CAP celebrates the 75th anniversary of its founding and publishes a history of its first 75 years entitled In Further Pursuit of Excellence: The College of American Pathologists, 1946–-2021. Hear from the presidents share about their experience and the CAP over the years.